Why can't we

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If I knew what was going to happen this school year, I would have switched to private school like mom said.

October 15 2021

"Aria! Lexy! Get in the car now or you'll be late", my mother screamed from the kitchen. 

I watched my sister toss her curling iron on the bathroom sink and run out the bathroom in a rush. 

I loved Lexy but living with her was a nightmare. She always needed this or that or this and that. She really was sweet she just never knew how to show it. Even with her own boyfriend she can't show that affection. If there actually is any. Which I doubt there is.

Junior Wheeler. Lexys boyfriend. He was just as popular as my sister, less of a snob though. He came over sometimes but he hardly ever came when my parents were home. The parties were when everyone would come to my house. 

The rest of my family was a generic rich white household. I had a brat of a younger sister and two snob parents who couldn't possible care less about their own children. All in a big fancy house at the top of a cul de sac. 

"Now Aria!", my mom called once more. I set my brush down, grabbed my bag and ran out the door along with my sister.


Lexy, Junior, Oliver, Cassie, Evan

Lexy- come over. 7. parents arent home till 2 am. its friday :))

Junior- alright

Cassie- what abt the little sis?

Lexy- shes at a friends tonight. whole house to ourselves

Evan- k

I closed the chat and turned off my phone. Lexy was checking her lipgloss in the car mirror as we pulled into school. The crowds of people flooded the entrance.

"Love you girls. Remember, me and dad will be out at a meeting tonight. Don't do anything that will ruin our family name", with that she locked the car door and drove off. Always leaving.

As we got into school, my sister and I met up with the usually group of Junior, Oliver, Cassie, and Evan. 

Cassie had dark brown hair and bright brown eyes. She was stunning. I didn't actually know her that well, her family moved here from Georgia a few months ago. She dressed in bright colors with lots of jewelry, her family was wealthy. She also happened to be totally in love with Evan. It was painfully obvious

Evan had light brown hair and ocean blue eyes. I knew him better than I knew Cassie, he was kind of mean. Like playfully mean, but his point was always made. I could never find myself forming a real opinion on him, he was a neutral guy. I thought how he played guitar was cool, and how he played football.But it cancelled out with his eh personality.

Oliver had brown hair with matching brown eyes. He was sweet, bitchy, but sweet. Well, they were all bitchy but he was the least bitchy. He didn't really have a problem with anyone in particular, if he didn't like someone he wouldn't go out of his own way to make sure they know that. He was morally right in the head. He liked to read a lot, I don't know if he had actually mentioned that to anyone besides me but his favorite right now was "we were liars" who knew how that book appealed to him.

I liked the little group i was in. They all had their own flaws but at the end of the day they were cool people, in a way.


"Aria? Aria? Aria?!", I snapped out of thought as Cassie called my name right in my ear. "yes", i replied sweetly. "someone wants to speak to you" , she turned my body away from the group to a tallish looking boy. He had dark curly hair and a sweater on. He held a vintage good guys doll.


"hi uh yes" , I tried to say as nicely as I could. "You're Aria, correct?","That I am", I replied, looking back at the group not even noticing I left. 

"I need your help."



omg this chapter was so rushed im so sorry

this was requested by @juniorwheelersbae :)) I actually have lots of ideas for this story so im super excited for it. 

Im going to try to update my Junior story tomorrow or thursday because i have lots of studying and hw before break. 

Thank you for all the support!!! I hope you all sleep well and enjoy the new episode xx

till forever falls apart (Oliver x Fem OC) | Chucky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now