a guide on how to stay alive

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Aria stared at the wall waiting for 7 to come. Lexy seemed fine enough, she had gone to check on her subtly every thirty or so minutes. If you were going to kill someone, broad daylight with everyone home wasn't the way to do it. If she were to die it would be tonight, though with three other people against a 16 inch doll it would be pretty hard to die. She wondered what would happened if the girl did die. Grasping the concept of death was hard for a 14 year old girl, especially the concept of murder.

At 7 oclock on the dot the door rang. Aria ran dowstairs to open the door, greeting two boys. "Shes alive", she said with a weak smile. She opened her arm as a signal they could come into the house. Lexy would most likely freak out to know Jake Wheeler was entering her house, and not leaving for a while.

She led the two into the kitchen to explain things over. "Are you going to tell him?", Aria questioned Jake.

Jake went on to explain, elaborately, how a good guy doll is cursed, Jake took said good guy doll, and now it is after Lexy, who was a dick to Jake, chuckys owner.

Oliver stared at the blonde and brunette in utter disbelief. Aria didn't blame him for she had done the same thing after all. "How am I supposed to help?" , Oliver may or may not have been taking this seriously, neither of the two really knew. 

They agreed to split up to wait for Chucky. 

Jake went on his own, he knew the most about the situation so he would be fine on his own. 

Oliver and Aria took another spot together, Aria knew a fair amount and so did Oliver, combined they would be as fine as Jake.

Aria was in a space close to Lexys room keeping an ear out for any noises of harm. Oliver was wedged right next to the girl. "Are we gonna die Aria?" , he leaned over to whisper in her ear. She took in the words, thinking about them. She didn't THINK they were going to die. They weren't planning on it at least. "No, we're not dying Oliver" , she reassured him. 

She felt his hand creep up on hers, slowly intertwining to the point of holding hands. Arias hand was cold as ice and his was as warm as a summer night. They balanced each other out. A wave of stability rushed through each of their bodies at the touch of the others. They never said anything about it that night, and wouldn't speak of it for a long time, but that was the start of something.


An hour or so passed of quick silence until it was broken by a crashing in Lexys room, followed by a screech.

The three barged into the room to see Lexy, in tears, holding back a doll with a sharp, long knife. Jake took a nearby umbrella to hit the doll off, flying across the room. Aria went to help Lexy off the ground as Oliver took her out of the room. Grabbing the dolls knife, Aria attempted swinging at him and cutting him. To no success she kept swinging. 

After a good five minutes of the two hitting and attempting to cut the doll, he vanished out the window. He left unsuccessful at killing Lexy. 

Aria sprinted out the room to go find her sister. "Lexy are you ok?!?!?!?!", she brought her into the largest hug she had ever given her. Lexy gave in and rested her head into Aria. nodding. Aria pulled back noticing the tears gone. Lexy stepped aside so Aria could finish her hugs. Oliver embraced her first, in a big hug. He wrapped his arms around her upper half while she rested hers around his stomach. She whispered a thank you in his ears as he did it back. She went to hug Jake too. Her sister would have been dead without him which she made sure to thank.

After that night  none of them were the same. A new friendship was bonded but a new journey too. The worst weeks of their lives were approaching.

till forever falls apart (Oliver x Fem OC) | Chucky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now