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Wilkes lowers the jack that is under the car before turning to Luke.
"Violà," Wilkes says while motioning to the car.
"Turn it over," Luke orders before Wilkes does as told.
"She's running on all eight. Checks out fine," Wilkes says before turning the car off.
"Keep looking," Luke orders as he turns back to the gun that he is cleaning.
"Boss, if something was missing, we'd know," Wilkes tells him.
"Not exactly," Wendy says with a smirk.
"You think you know what's missing? Be our guest," Luke says as he hands the gun to Hunt before walking over to the car. Wendy opens the door before sitting in the driver's seat as Luke walks over.
"It's a goddamn shame putting bullshit like that on a classic," Luke says as he looks at the radio-computer.
"Yeah, You may as well slap neon lights on it," Wendy says in agreement causing Luke to hold back a smile. Wendy presses a button causing the screen to come out before the screen reads '!ERRO!'. Wendy turns to Luke with a triumph smile. "They took the chip."
"Have I told how much I love you lately?" Luke asks as he looks at her impressed.
"We got a hit on the police scanner. Armed robbery at a house in Leblon," Mac calls from his spot at the computers. "Address cross checks against property owned by one of Hernan Reyes' corporations."
"All right, if that's our people then whatever was on that chip led them directly to that house," Luke says as he looks at his team.
"It's them, for sure," Elena tells him with a nod.
"How do you know that?" Fusco asks her.
"Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes," Elena answers him.

"They said that they won't let us in until the crime scene unit is done," Elena says as she walks away from the smoking building, over to Luke, Wendy, and their team. "It could be hours."
"Doesn't matter," Luke tells her with a nod. "I already got everything I need. They went through the front. Steel door sets up a drop house. They would need at least seven to eight people to take it. The fact that there is no body bags in there tells me that they have worked together before." Luke turns to face his team. "Our boys have called in some old friends. Let's canvas the neighborhood and see if we can scare up some witnesses." Hobbs' team splits up while Wendy looks across the street. "Let's go."
"Shouldn't we be looking at Reyes?" Elena asks as they cross the street. "It was his car and his cash house." Luke looks at Elena. "I know. I know. He's not on your list."
"You might want to turn your head for this officer," Wendy tells her before climbing an electric pole. "I'm thinking our boys wouldn't have bothered with a red light when they were getting the hell out of dodge." Wendy pulls a disc out of a box before handing it to Luke, who hands it to Elena.
"Is this standard evidence collecting in the states?" Elena asks as she looks at the disc while Wendy pulls out another disc.
"Woman, there ain't nothing standard about us," Luke answers her with a smirk. 

Elena, Luke, Wendy, and their team return to the abandon building before Mac gets to work on accessing the traffic footage that Luke had stolen.
"What time was the robbery?" Mac asks Elena as they look through traffic cam footage.
"Around 11:00," Elena answers him as Luke and Wendy walk over.
"Here we go," Luke says as Mac takes the footage to that time frame. A black charger comes across the screen. "Enhance it." Mac zooms in on the windshield.
"Their faces are covered," Elena says as she sees two people in the front.
"Run it through FRS," Luke orders before Mac does as told. Dom's profile pops up as the driver. "Well, Hello, you son of a bitch." Han's profile pops up as the passenger. "Wilkes! Run the photos of known associates of Toretto and O'Conner against customs entries into Brazil in the last two weeks. Check planes, trains, boats, everything short of the goddamn space shuttle." Rome's and Gisele's profiles pop up before Tej's pops up. "They can change their names but they can't change their faces."
"Something big is going down," Elena says as she looks at the profiles.
"That's a 1970 Charger," Wendy says as she points at Mac's screen.
"Fusco! Upload these specs into the database. Have the computer cross check it with overhead satellites every 15 minutes, the van behind it, too. If these vehicles move in the streets of Rio, I want to know about it," Luke orders Fusco as Wendy nods in agreement.

"We've got a hit. '70s Charger," Fusco calls from his spot at his computer.
"Let's get a move on," Luke says as he tosses a vest to Hunt.
"Eastbound on Avenida Atlantica," Wendy informs them as they all grab their things. Luke, Wendy, and their team quickly race towards where the car is going.
"It stopped about a block ahead," Hunt tells Luke.
"Park it. We're going on foot," Luke orders over his walkie.

Dom is leaning against his car as he and the team enjoy the atmosphere around them.
"Hey, Toretto," Luke calls as he and his team walk towards them. "You're under arrest."
"Arrest?" Dom asks him as he turns towards them. "I don't feel like I'm under arrest. How about you, Brian?"
"No, not a bit," Brian answers him as he shakes his head. "Not even a little bit."
"Just give it a minute. It'll sink in," Wendy tells them before she catches Dom staring at Elena, who has his necklace around her neck.
"We didn't kill those feds. That was Reyes," Brian states with sincerity and Wendy honestly believed him.
"I don't give a shit," Luke says with a glare. "I'm just here to bring in two assholes whose names hit my desk."
"Yeah, sounds like a real hero," Brian taunts him.
"That's funny," Luke says as he steps forward. "From a guy who took the oath of a cop, then went against everything it stood for. Or some wannabe tough guy prick who beat a man half to death with a socket wrench. Yeah, real tough. You turn around and put your hands behind your back."
"I don't think so," Dom says as he walks towards Luke, causing Wendy to take a step forward and place her hand on her gun. Just because she didn't agree with Luke, doesn't mean she is going to let him get hurt.
"Your mistake is thinking you got a goddamn choice, boy," Luke tells him as he takes a step closer before his team, along with Wendy and Elena.
"And you're mistake?" Dom says with a smirk. "Thinking you're in America. You're a long way from home. This is Brazil." Dom raises his arms, causing all of the men around them to raise their guns at Luke's team.
"Come on, boss. Another day," Hunt tells Luke as he walks up to him.
"Come on, it's a lot of heat," Wendy says as she rests her hand on Luke's arm, causing him to glance at her.
"I'll see you soon, Toretto," Luke says to Dom as he shivers from Wendy's touch.
"I look forward to it, Cop," Dom responds with a smirk. Luke walks off before his team follows.

Wendy had a bad feeling after finding the Toretto team at the street race, so she searched the vehicles before she found a tracker.
"Impressive," Luke tells her before he flips the switch. "Let's go get our guys."

Luke drives into the Toretto hideout before crashing into Dom's car.
"You just made a big mistake," Dom says as he glares at Luke.
"Took Wendy almost no time to find that tracking chip," Luke says as he gets out of his vehicle. "But not as long for me to flip the receiver. You're going down, Toretto."
"I'm right here," Dom taunts as he walks towards Luke before punching him in the face. Luke punches Dom back before Dom punches him in the stomach. Dom shoves Luke into the side of his vehicle. Luke slings Dom onto the hood of Dom's car, pinning Dom's arm behind his back. Dom slams Luke into Luke's vehicle causing Luke to let go of him. Wendy watches as they sling each other around before Luke throws Dom through a window. Luke climbs through the window before Dom slams Luke's head into a piece of steel. Dom tackles Luke through a wall before punching him repeatedly. Luke gets the upper hand before tackling Dom through another wall. Luke knocks Dom down to his knees before getting him into a headlock. Dom looks out the window in front of him before seeing Mia, Brian, and Vince being surrounded by Luke's team. Dom runs backwards slamming Luke into a wall causing him to let go of him. Luke tackles Dom through a window before they land on a table breaking it.
"Dom!" Mia yells as she runs towards them at the same time Wendy yells "Luke!"
"Stand back. I got this," Luke orders before his team backs up. Luke gets on top of Dom before punching him. Dom flips them before punching Luke.
"Pull off!" Vince yells at Dom.
"Dom! Please, stop!" Mia yells as Brian grabs her arm to hold her back. Luke and Dom keep flipping before Luke grabs a wrench.
"Luke don't!" Wendy yells before Luke drops the wrench as Dom punches him. Dom grabs the wrench before raising it up.
"Dom!" Mia yells as Brian looks at Dom in shock and worry.
"No! Luke!" Wendy yells as Hunt holds her back while Dom swings the wrench down causing it to break the concrete by Luke's head. Luke looks at the wrench before seeing the worried look on Wendy's face. Luke's team point their guns at Dom as he willingly puts his hands behind his head.

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