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The contact 'Samoan Thor' pops up on Tej's phone before he answers it.
"Yo, it's Hobbs," Tej says getting everyone's attention.
"What have you got, Parker? Give me something good," Luke asks him as he drives.
"Yeah, that paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized. Anti-thermal, low-IR coating," Tej explains to him.
"Military," Dom states as he steps closer to Tej's computers.
"Exactly," Tej says in agreement. "We got a list of bases around Europe that uses this paint type and those specific colors."
"All right lets cross reference that with all of Shaw's military targets," Luke orders as he worries about Wendy. "I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match."
"Bingo," Tej says after typing on the computer. "It's a NATO base in Spain."
"That puts Shaw in a different country," Dom says as he looks at the team. "That means he's got an eight-hour lead on us."
"We gotta move now. Tej, give me that info. Riley and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base. We're going to protect that component personally," Luke explains, ready to be in the same place as his wife again. "Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars. You brush up on your Spanish, boys and girl. I'll see you in España."


"Let's go!" Owen orders as Denlinger drives behind the last car in the convoy. Denlinger drives into the back of the car, pushing it to where it hits the back of the truck in front of it. Jah quickly gets on top of the car before killing the soldiers inside. Owen follows him before they climb onto the back of the truck. Denlinger drives beside the truck where Letty and Wendy jump onto the ladder on the truck. Denlinger takes off in front of the convoy as Jah, Owen, Wendy, and Letty climb inside the truck.

"Fellas, you better hurry up. They just took the convoy," Tej says over the walkie, from his spot on an overpass with Han and Gisele. "And guys, Wendy and Letty are with them."
"We stick to the plan," Dom orders over the walkie. Gisele and Han take off on their bikes.
"All right, you heard the man," Tej says over the walkie. "Let's play this fast and clean. That thing's heading your way."

Denlinger ejects a wire causing it to connect to the rocks on either side of the road. The front car drives into the wire causing it to flip over. The truck hits the wire causing it to stop and the trailer to raise before Jah drives a tank out of the trailer.
"All systems go," Jah tells Owen as he flips a few switches.
"Everything looks stable," Wendy says in agreement as she looks at her screens.

"Uh, guys, we gotta come up with another plan," Tej quickly says over the walkie as he sees the tank. "They got a tank."
"I'm sorry, did somebody just say 'a tank'?" Roman asks in slight panic over the walkie.

"We got company guys," Denlinger says over their headsets. "Toretto is coming right at you."
"Okay. Get the weapons hot," Owen orders causing Wendy to look at him worriedly because of the other innocent people on the road. "Give me satellite imaging."
"Straight ahead of us," Letty tells Owen as she sees the cars heading for them.
"There you are," Owen says with a smirk before turning the tank gun towards the team and firing. Dom and Brian quickly swerve around the damaged cars.

"Who's got a plan B?" Roman asks over the walkie.
"Plan B? We need a plan C, D, E. We need more alphabets!" Tej panics having seen the tank start firing.
"Hey, we do what we do best," Brian tells them. "We improvise, all right?" Dom quickly turns into lane that the tank is in with Brian and Rome right behind him.

"Okay, Jah. Take it to the other side. Lets have some fun," Owen orders, causing Wendy to look at him shocked. Roman is able to follow after the tank.
"What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't part of the plan," Letty asks Owen in shock.

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