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"Ivory!" Letty says as she gets out of her car, being the last one to enter the hideout before tossing Ivory her keys. "It's going to need some repairs."
"No problem, treacle," Ivory tells her before they walk over to the others.
"You good?" Wendy asks as she looks over at her.
"Yeah," Letty answers her with a nod. To Wendy's surprise, she had actually found herself becoming good friends with the woman.
"Okay, listen up," Owen says as he turns to face everyone. "That was a very different breed from Hobbs' usual wannabe warriors. We need to learn who these people are, what they're made of." Wendy could only hope that they wouldn't dig far enough into Luke to find out that she is married to him because having to lie all the time has become very exhausting for her. "Vegh?" Vegh brings over a file before opening it to reveal Brian's profile on top.
"O'Conner, Parker," Vegh says as she throws their profiles forward. "Pearce, Toretto, and the rest of the team."
"These guys are common criminals," Ivory says as he flips through Tej's profile.
"Tonight these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down," Owen tells him as he flips through Brian's profile. "Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us."
"You might want to see these," Jah says before handing a picture to Owen while Denlinger hands him one as well. The first picture is a close up picture of Dom with Letty sitting in his lap. The second is a wedding photo of Luke and Wendy.
"Ring any bells?" Owen says as he sets the pictures down to where the girls can see them, especially watching Wendy since she was once a cop like her husband. Wendy glances at the pictures as she and Letty walk over.
"Yeah," Letty answers him as she looks at the picture confused. "That's the guy I shot."
"I have no idea, who that is," Wendy answers as well while shaking her head in confusion. "Wait, that is the man who jumped on the car tonight right?"
"You both look happy," Owen states trying to get a reaction out of the girls.
"I don't remember him," Letty tells him with a glare.
"That's bullshit," Klaus says as he steps forward, causing Wendy to glare at him. "We got a problem guys. We got a picture of them with the men who almost took you out."
"Klaus, aren't you team muscle?" Wendy asks him as she squares up to him. "Don't make me go over there and make you team pussy."
"They don't remember them," Owen states to stop things from escalating. "Names and records aren't enough. I want personal information. Get into their lives, into their minds. Find their weaknesses, and we will exploit them." Everyone walks off as Letty looks at Dom's file while Wendy slowly picks up Luke's file, knowing that it is going to break her heart to look. But she opens it anyways to find a picture of her, Luke, and Samantha before she quickly closes the file while shaking her head as if she is trying to make since of it just in case Owen is watching her.
"I'm going to get some air," Wendy tells Letty before she leaves the hideout while tears stream down her face.

"All right, lock it up. We got two things," Luke says while getting out of his truck before everyone walks towards each other. "First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime. They got street cameras on every street corner. I got video footage from CCTV of the raid. Lets track that, see where it leads us." Luke hands a chip to Tej before continuing. "And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol. They ripped off the database of every location that houses the final component that they need."
"So where are they at?" Dom asks as he looks at Luke with a raised eyebrow.
"There are over two dozen of them around Europe," Riley answers him as she crosses her arms across her chest.
"But the list is only good for 96 hours," Luke says as he takes over with a nod. "Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next it's going to happen within the next four days. They got a window and so do we. We gotta move."
"Hobbs is right," Dom says as he looks at the team. "So let's break this down. You met them. What do we know?"
"We know they have to be running custom engines," Tej says from his spot at the computers. "You heard the flip car going through those gears."
"Sequential transmission," Han adds with a shrug.
"That didn't sound like a normal engine," Gisele says as she looks over at Dom.
"That was a turbo diesel," Brian states with a nod. "It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans."
"Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?" Tej asks as he looks at everyone.
"Yeah, hydraulics," Roman answers him with a nod.
"Or magnetic suspension," Brian suggests, causing Roman to nod again.
"Who not only had access to the components, but can fabricate something like that?" Han asks a big question as he looks around at everyone.
"Maybe a handful of shops in London," Gisele answers him with a shrug.
"Regular tuner shops aren't going to cut it on this one," Dom says as he looks at Brian. "We're going to have to dig deeper than that. Han, Gisele, Roman, you're up. We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw."
"Let's go," Gisele says as she loads a gun.
"I'll help," Riley tells Hobbs before they walk off to leave.

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