Beloved Murderer is getting published!

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Hey everyone! 

So yes I have some amazing news and it's now official. 

Beloved Murderer is getting published!!!!!!!! 

Yes you heard that right, Beloved Murderer is going to be a real book that we can hold in our hands (and hug to sleep at night) YAYAYAYAY! 

I can't believe it's finally happened, I have been editing this book for the past 2 years and sending it into agents and publishers for the last 6 months and I am so happy that it's finally finished and going to become a real book. 

If you beautiful people want to buy the book when it is released please follow my wattpad account or my instagram account which is s.e.falconer for updates for when it will be released and how you can buy it.

This book wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you amazing readers and your comments and encouragement throughout the story so I am dedicating this book to all of you! 

Please keep in contact so I can let you all know where and how you can buy a copy, an actual hold this book in your hands copy (I'm crying). 

Love you all so much, I will cherish your comments and support on this book forever. And I am so sad to be taking it down from wattpad but Beloved Murderer is going to be going out to the world and bookstores. 

A published book!!


Anyway, follow my wattpad account and follow me on instagram at s.e.falconer

Love you all  Xx  

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