Sequel to Beloved Murderer - Chapter 1

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Hey everyone!! 

I have some very exciting news! Some of you might have seen on my instagram and on my wattpad profile that I have decided to write a sequel to Beloved Murderer. YAY!

It is going to be called Broken Beloved, and it is going to be about the time when Elora becomes pregnant and Mason leaves her :) 

And even more exciting news, is I am going to post the first chapter today!! And I am going to post it right here on this book.

I am looking forward to hearing all your thoughts on the first chapter, please comment what you think!!! 

Don't forget to follow me on my wattpad profile and instagram, which is s.e.falconer to stay up to date with all the latest news with Beloved Murderer, the sequel and my writing. Thank you all so much! 


So, here it is everyone!! 

Please let me know what you think, I love reading your comments so much :) Prepare your hearts and souls, this chapter goes straight into the action and I did not hold out on you all with Mason and Elora content.

Thank you all for reading, please leave a comment with your thoughts!

Much love, S.E. Falconer Xx


Blood was dripping down my wrists. Mason had slammed my body into the wall and threw my hands above my head so forcefully that my wrists had cut on a nail. I was too focused on the way Mason pressed his body into mine to care. Mason tightened his grip on my wrists as he bound my hands above my head. The pain of the pressure on my wrists only accentuated the heavenly feel of Mason's warm muscled body pressing into mine.

Mason's lips came down onto mine in a devouring open-mouthed kiss that made my eyes roll into the back of my head. His other warm hand slid up the bare skin of my back and I arched into his touch. When he reached the back of my neck, he ran his hand around the skin of my neck until he added pressure at my throat, squeezing it, making it difficult for me to breathe.

I opened my eyes to see Mason staring down at me intently with a very serious expression on his face, like he was calculating his next move very carefully. His blue eyes were shining intently down into mine and his dark brown hair was flowing over the side of his eye in a soft curl. I bit my lip from the wave of desire that ran through me just from seeing that serious look in his eyes. I knew what he wanted to do to me next.

His eyes snapped down to my lip and he growled as he squeezed my throat tighter before biting my lip away from my teeth and pulled it between his. He bit me so hard my lip started to bleed and I gasped from the shock that radiated a warmth right through my body. Mason pulled the rest of my mouth into his as he kissed me deeply, consumingly.

I was so distracted by his kisses that I gasped when he added more pressure to my throat, constricting my breathing. I pulled away from him to see him smirking down at me as he dropped his lips back down to mine again. I was gasping for breath into his mouth as he kissed me so passionately and lovingly as he squeezed my throat tighter in his hands, making my breathing stop.

Mason's tight hold around my neck relented as he pulled his lips away from mine and he started trailing his lips down my face and throat. My head fell back into the wall from the ecstasy of his touch. My hands wrapped around his muscled torso and arms, running down his body that I loved so much.

Mason's lips kept kissing down my neck until a wave of nausea swept through my stomach and I buckled and flinched against him. Instantly, he pulled away from me, looking into my face seriously with concern on his features, all traces of what we were doing before was gone and replaced with seriousness.

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