Broken Beloved - Chapter 5

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I yawned happily, feeling well rested for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I reached over the bed to reach for Mason but my hands only grasped an empty pillow. I scrunched the pillow into my hand and frowned as a wave of unease settled in my stomach when I realised that Mason wasn't in the bed with me.

I jumped out of bed, instantly feeling panicked and checked the room and bathroom. My shoulders sank when he wasn't in either. Wringing my hands together nervously, I searched the mansion for him, talking myself up to the chat I was going to have with him.

My heart was beating wildly by the time I found him in the lounge room before the fireplace with the two wing backed arm chairs. He was reading a book and I tilted my head to the side curiously as I watched him. It was rare to find Mason reading a book. I opened the ajar door further and Mason lifted his head when I stepped into the room.

He smiled faintly as he saw me, running a hand through his hair to pull away his brown curl from his eyes so it sat evenly on the side of his head. He still had dark circles under his eyes but they didn't seem to be as noticeable today. He must have slept at least a little last night.

Mason tucked away his book before rising to grab my wrists. He checked them over, inspecting them both sides and when he was happy with their lack of bruising and cuts, he leaned down to kiss my wrist.

"How are you feeling?" He asked against my skin and my eyelids fluttered closed from the soft feeling, a feeling I had been so deprived of these last few days. When I opened my eyes again, Mason had leaned back up and he gently released my hand.

"I'm okay. How is your shoulder?" I reached for his shirt and moved his sleeve out of the way to see a large dark bruise in front of his shoulder joint. My eyebrows pinched together in worry but he wasn't concerned.

"Fine," Mason brushed it off but allowed me to keep inspecting his arm. I touched my fingers gently to his shoulder and ran thumb over his muscle.

"I thought I nearly lost both of you yesterday," he admitted suddenly, his voice strained with pain.  When I looked up to him, he was already staring down at me with tormented eyes.

"You can't do that to me again. Please don't stand anywhere dangerous while you are having these dizzy spells." His expression was pleading but he didn't step forwards to touch me like he usually would when he was asking me to do something and it made me defensive.

"I'll keep it in mind," I snapped and collapsed down into the wing backed armchair, the same one I was sitting in when he told me about how he hunted down and murdered evil people when we first met. Mason sighed and ran a hand through his hair, pulling his hair away from his face.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Mason offered, looking awkward still standing when I was sitting. Like he didn't want to sit down and have to engage in conversation with me. I ground my teeth together and folded my hands together.

"No, food usually makes me feel sick in the mornings," I brushed him off and got to my point. He was talking to me whether he liked it or not. "I actually wanted to talk to you, that was why I asked you to meet me yesterday." Mason nodded and sat down on the chair opposite me. I noticed his foot tapping the floor and his back was tense, clearly nervous. But he still leant forwards to give me his full attention.

"What would you like to talk about?" He started openly and I was surprised by how comfortable and heard he made me feel, even though he was the one who decided he didn't want to be with me anymore. His blue eyes were looking right into mine and from the close distance I saw how the flames from the fire shimmered in the striking blue colour.

"You said that you don't want to be in the baby's life because you are a murderer and you will endanger them by being in their life," I recalled what I had interpreted about his reasons for leaving me. Now it was my turn to argue them.

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