Chinese in Bed?

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Chinese in Bed?


Leila seat on the bed, bored, and hungry, damn it! Off course he didn’t come back, of course he wouldn’t come back. Why would he come back, it’s about to be Saturday night, and he probably has plans with beautiful women. Women that were much taller, with silky soft hair, a guy like that would never fall for a woman like her. Leila sighs and places her head back on the pillow and accepts the reality that she would go hungry for tonight; tomorrow, no matter how much it pained her, she would call her aunt and hopefully she can come and bring her something to eat.

Nathaniel had fallen asleep on his cousin’s couch. All this stress had taken to him. When he finally wakes up and checks his watch, it’s nearly five o’clock. Damn it, did he sleep that much? Leila! He realizes. Shit, Leila, he had left her at her condo by herself, fuck! He’s such a shithead. She’s probably starving! Quickly getting from the couch, Nathaniel yells a goodbye to his cousin and heads out the door. He would have to get her something to eat, but what? Maybe fried chicken; she should like that right? No, then she might think he’s generalizing her. Something greasy? No, she might not like greasy food. She’s black isn’t she? She should love chicken wings,. But if he does bring it, would she be offended.  Then again, she’s a woman.  He might be clueless about her race, but he knows woman, and anything can be an indication of them being fat, and he really didn’t want a plate of food thrown at him tonight. What kind of food would totally be ambiguous? He needed a food that mostly everyone loves, that everyone eats, that he can have the hopes that she will like it. That’s it!

Leila wakes up from her nap, her stomach growling like a hungry bear. “I’m so hungry” she finds herself whinnying miserably. He could have at least come and see that! He does live in the Penthouse upstairs. Letting out a big sigh, Leila finally really accepts that Nathaniel would not come. As she readies herself to fall back asleep in order for the pain of the hunger to go away, she hears the creak of the door. For a millisecond, she had forgotten who had the key to her condo, and when he turns the door knob to her bedroom, Leila lets out a sight of content relief, not really because it was him, but because he carried food! “I hope you like Chinese food!” He says to her with a smile.

“I love Chinese food!”

“This is so freaking delicious Nate!” Leila exclaims as she digs into the food. He likes that she has shortened his name, it makes him feel closer to her, he guesses. He watches her sexy sensual lips as they munch on the dumplings and he smiles to himself. He was in deep shit with this girl! Here he is, on her bed, eating with her, and by no chance did it bother him, he didn’t get any rash, she didn’t do anything to him, except that she made his balls grow hard; but that’s hardly her fault.

“It is delicious,” He tells her with a faint smile. “I actually just found it because I figured who doesn’t like Chinese!”

“That’s true….I think” Leila answers. “But if it’s for me I love Chinese food, it’s delicious, but why did you buy so much?” Leila asks, looking at the food sitting on the bed waiting to be eaten, teriyaki chicken, stir-fry, dumpling, egg rolls, fried rice, honey chicken and more.

“I didn’t know what you liked” Nathaniel simply answers.

“So you bought the whole restaurant?”

“No, that would be stupid; I wouldn’t have space in my car” he joke, showing his pearly whites. “I don’t know, I just wanted to be sure that you would eat at least something considering that I starved you the whole day”

“You didn’t starve me, its okay. At least you came back”

“Yeah; How’s your ankle by the way?” he Nathaniel ask but instinctively looks down at her legs to see that her ankle had gotten swollen, crap.

“Not that good, I think I should see a doctor, It hurts really badly” she tells him, looking straight into his blue eyes. Nathaniel wants to console her, make the pain go away. But he restrains himself.

“Yeah, I’ll take you tomorrow” he immediately offers, hoping that she will accept. And she does, giving him a slight nod and a smile.

They eat in silence, sometimes taking glances at each other. Nathaniel watches her as she eats smoothly, perfecting the chopstick. He loves that she didn’t hold back, she love how she doesn’t care if he sees her eating tons of food, she seems unaware that he’s a guy, but maybe he’s not the guy that she usually idealizes for her. So… Nate” Leila says, breaking the long streak of silence.


“You never told me anything about you; you’re a perfect stranger in my home, in my bed to say the least”

“Mmnh…” he says giving her a slight smile and biting his lips. “Maybe you shouldn’t invite perfect strangers into your home Leila McNeil”

“I didn’t, you ran me over remember Nathaniel….”

“I didn’t run you over,”

“Don’t switch the subject and you did too”

“Fine, I did run you over, but listen how are you going to get to work on Tuesday?” he asks, hoping to switch the subject.

“Since on Monday is a holiday, which will give me plenty of time to thank about that! And Thomas should be in the city by then?”

“Why didn’t you go?” he asks, curiously, while he places a honey chicken in between his lips.

“Oh, I have this meeting with some the president of a company to do an ad for their sports equipment and since it’s this guy’s first year running the company he doesn’t want anything to go wrong. So I had to prepare everything, just so it can be perfect, if I lose this ad, I think it’s pretty safe to say that I will lose my job”

“You won’t lose your job because of a stupid ad” Nathaniel reassures her,

“Yes, yes I will. Especially when this can bring in millions into the magazine, I’m not worried about the ad; I’m just worried about the new president guy. Supposedly he is this stuck up, selfish brat, that only thinks about himself.” Leila explains. “My friend works there and she tells me that he doesn’t associate with anyone, he’s like this box, which has no key. She says that he’s rude and thinks he can treat people like shit. Hopefully it’s her imagination talking, can you imagine someone like that? I don’t know I’ll make my own judgment when we meet”

“Really?” he asks, astonish on the way she spoke.

“Yeah, I can’t judge someone just on the basis on what someone else has says, I have to judge them by their own merit with my interactions with them, by their characteristics, It wont be fair to go in there with some preconceived notion about the guy or anyone else for that matter will it?” she asks, her head tilting onto her shoulder.

“No, no it wouldn’t”

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