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People only want to know me when it's convenient.
I think all this time I've been way too naïve and lenient.
It's all about what you can do for them in their time of need.
What words of advice you can give them so they can proceed.
You give them strength and a push in the right direction.
But now I'm realising it's always been a one-way connection.
In order for one to give, the other must take.
In order for one to be healed, the other must break.

My use to you, is to be used by you.
This relationship works as long as I never defy you.
I tell you what you want to hear and offer you relief.
But when it comes to my problems, you cant offer me a release.
When you need me, I disregard all the plans I've got.
But when I need you, you fit me in to your allocated time slots.
If I cant solve your life threatening dilemma.
You'll find someone else who fits in to your agenda.
You're probably not even aware of this distasteful trait.
You may even refer to me as one of your best mates.
But tell me is this how a true friend acts?
Respect and common decency are traits you lack.

Now tell me how is this relationship fair?
From my POV it looks like you don't actually care.
Only when a distressing situation effects you.
You come to me asking what you should do?
Whereas my problems continue to go unanswered.
There's a term for people like you.

Self centred.

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