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Earthling 🔷

As well as being Black and British,
I am a member of the planet earth.
My skin is dark making it hard to distinguish
that I do not belong to any specific type of turf.

Although my passport may say otherwise,
and there may be boxes I am forced to tick,
because of our need to differentiate and classify,
we equip our armies of cherubs
with stones and sticks.

My hair may be curly and your jaw may be wide,
but we are both bound
to the same grassy cemeteries.
If you could look past the surface to see my insides,
we could end a feud that
has run rampant for centuries.

Yet you are conditioned to see me as incompatible.
What use is a 4K, HD, Smart, LED television
if we still see in black and white?
While our peaches love and
read out of the same manual,
we continue to view
the world from conflicting heights.

You remain obligated to outdated disciplines.
I too am loyal to my ancestors' words of wisdom.
Time has brought forth a broad minded curriculum.
Gifting us with the delightful option
of thriving in a stigma-free kingdom.

Once rooted to a spot,
a peach falls within a radius.
Restricted to an orchard,
it ripens in a seasoned home.
Should that apple seek to
add further flavour to its status,
it will be faced with a prospect
of bobbing the choppy seas
ostracised traumatised and alone.

We should be the generational curse breakers.
The techno charged, savvy risk takers
with unlimited data and power
to make this playground greater.

Instead we oust and ostracise,
brave beings for attempting to
rewrite their own destinies and
change the course of their timelines.
When these people
could the ones crazy enough to
bring long lasting peace into our lifetime.

We teach the young about
acceptance and compassion.
We contradict this with truths
that are no longer applicable.
How is it our offspring can
see past the skin of a companion?
While you and I condemn
one another as lower class individuals.

I am Black and I am British.
I am also a member of this planet earth.
If our children can surpass the duty to distinguish.
Surely you and I can
exist freely on the same green and blue turf.

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