#13 Teenagers

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Teens have it rough. More so for those who belong to the slightly more sensitive spectrum.

They have got all the right things to form the perfect recipe for a nervous breakdown. The raging hormones, emotional imbalance, uncertainties, lack of direction, cluelessness, unsure about their place in world, coupled together with school/college responsibilities, friends and family drama etc, the list is endless tbh🥴

Hmm..for teens I have got only one salvageable advice. Hold tight to Allah with prayers and Quran under all circumstances. Stay true to yourself and keep your duty to your parents. Yes, it might seem at times like no one understands you, but then again you don't even know who you truly are yet. After these dreadful teenage years end and even a few years after that when you become an adult, will you finally be able to see who you are. Until then, just try not doing too many embarrassing mistakes😂 (just a few should be fine to laugh at later) 😂😂and make all the fun memories you can InShaAllah ♥️

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