#20 Lifehack-2

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Even if you're feeling scared and unsure about starting something new, do give it a shot. Even if you don't succeed, or don't see any results, or maybe fail even—atleast you'll get experience.

This is pro life tip. Never Ever shirk away from trying new things which demand of you to take a step out of your comfort zone (Provided it is within the boundaries set by Allah). These experiences, good and bad are going to shape you as a person. Go out, explore, make friends, talk to people and learn from their experiences. This is what it really means to be educated. Getting a degree and cramming will only get you through the end of university. Without experience you won't gain confidence and confidence is actually the key to success. Irrelevant of gender and even age, everyone needs to fight their own battles which isn't possible if one is always unsure of his/herself.

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