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Her eyes were shut

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Her eyes were shut. Her face was illuminated by the moon's radiance. I don't want to leave because of the way she simply sleeps. But it had to end that way from the beginning.

In the end, we both knew it was going to end like this.

I eased up from bed, stood, and looked down at her, watching her body rise and fall with her feeble breaths. I bend forward and kiss the top of her head softly. My final words were whispered.

"I'm going to miss you. Keep it in mind." My lips were buried in her hair as I muttered. I lean up as I see her ruffle as she turns around, her back to me. 

Forgive me.

I get up, Slide on my shirt and pants before grabbing a duffle bag and walking over to the drawers grabbing and folding my shirts. Taking my underwear and stuffing them in the side of the bag.

The photo frame on top of the nightstand drawer catches my eye. It's just me and her, with my arm over her neck and her arms around my waist. We're at the beach, and it's sunny. the beach, which is still only a short distance from our house.

I give a  sorrowful sigh. Looking away but take in the memory that's buried down deep within me. Our relationship was by far the one that is worth keeping. The one that I'm sorry to end.  But It has to end.

I finish packing but linger over her sleeping body. 

Stop and look 

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Stop and look 

(If you were in my shoes and had my problem then you'll understand the pain I'm enduring. And if you are in my shoes and taking time to look into my story, then take caution)


I kiss her one final time before leaving

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I kiss her one final time before leaving. Closing the door quietly after walking out. As I take a step back, my hand remains on the nob, forcing it to un-attach itself, just as I am forcing myself to un-attach myself from her. 

I step off the veranda and begin walking ahead, my feet firmly planted on the sand of the beach. Her voice resonates from behind as I take only two more steps. 

"Why?" Her words are hardly audible, and she speaks softly. I glance over my shoulder to look back.

"It was only a matter of time. We had both known it." I say this with caution. I turned around after hearing the door close. She's fled the house. and now emerges to me.

"You scumbag!" She yells, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing so tightly that it's as if she's a cobra trying to squeeze the life out of me. The wetness of her tears bamps my left shoulder, where she slid her head into.

I lean into the hug, allowing the tears to well up in my eyes. They dripped and smeared on my cheeks. I peel her away from me and try to reason with her one more time.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be." I plead, looking beep into them resentful green eyes. Eyes of olive green―incisive and clear. So clear that the next thing she says gave hope and joy. Cracking a half rose smile she says.

"You illiterate moron. Whether you like it or not, we're sticking together." She kisses my lips and murmurs. "I'm changing schools, and I'll be attending yours."

I was faltered from words, unable to understand what she was saying.

"W-w-what?" I said, Then I tried it again. "W-w-what?" 

  I've erupted with uncontrollable excitement I grabbed her in my arms and bounced up and down with her. "You mean it?" I questioned, eventually putting her down. 

She gives a nod. But suddenly it strikes me like a ton of bricks. And I can see she's thinking the same thing I'm thinking.

"but your parents..." I say, my head bowed in grief. "They-"

"They can handle it." She says this while elevating my head with her hand. "They'll simply have to figure it out for themselves. I'm sticking with it, and nothing will change my mind." "Emerick, it's because of you. I love. And I can't handle the thought of living if we can't be together. because I love you."

I become all fuzzy on the inside. I kissed her and cradled her in my arms.

"Then it's all set. You're coming back to town with me, and we're enrolled together." I say, and she agrees.

"First, let me gather my belongings." She made the remark while staring at me.

"Oh, yes. Sorry." I sincerely apologize. Smiling as she walks back into the house.

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