A soldier's death is a sacrifice to protect the innocents in turn of what he or she need to do to insure of it. Will this soldier from his world carry into the next and what of he fails when morals and one sanity will be tested and strained in turn...
A/N: This is a short chapter containing both military and village structure along with explaining Emmerian government, social, and economics.
Government: Constitutional Republic
Economy: Denarius Aureus. [Latin for Gold money]
[Gold is Aureus.
Sliver is Denarius.
Copper is Cuprum.]
National Military is Emmerian United Republic Army or the E.U.R.A.
National Naval is Emmerian United Republic Navy or the E.U.R.N.
National Air power is: Emmerian United Republic Air Force or the E.U.R.A.F.
[Use U.S. ranks for all of the National Armed Forces for Emmeria.]
Villages and Towns militia branch.
Emmerian Army National Guard or the E.A.N.G.
Emmerian Air National Milita or the E.A.N.M.
Emmerian Coastal Waters Guard or the E.C.W.G.
[Use Japanese Self Defense Ground and Naval ranks for the Aerial Milita and Coastal Milita while using the UMSC Marine ranking system as explain below.]
E.A.N.G. rankings
Pre-NCO [None Commissioned Officers]
Corporal [Grade 2]
A/N: At the rank of Corporal will receive a bit more training such as Heavy weapons and better gear and payment.
Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant [Grade 2]
A/n: Staff Sergeants have the options to go for officers training if fail the course they would be Gunnery Sergeant for compensation.
C.O. [Commanding Officer]
2nd Lieutenant
1st Lieutenant
Here are the officers' courses.
1: Military Chaplain [For both militias and the National Military]
2: Engineering and Research.
3: Combat.
Everyone will have another option to change branches between National and Milita branches also use today Military Occupational Jobs that they US has.
This will be the list of the E.S.D.L.M. ranks to make thing easier for everyone and myself included. lol
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