💚sheck X sownic💙

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June 30th, 1561, the day I met my soulmate...

Shrek's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, swimming in the sun that flooded through my window. I slowly open my eyes and meet my cracked wooden floor. I should probably change it when I get the time to. I look up to my wall and look at the multiple photographs of me and donkey together. Ever since he's gone I've been feeling empty, he was always here to light up my day. If only I wasn't so harsh on him..

Sonic's POV:

I was running on the mossy floor of this mushroom world, enjoying the air that passed through my soft blue fur. This truly was the feeling of being free. I stop running as I was nearing the edge of a deep crevasse. I wouldn't want to fall in there, would be deadly. Then, the smell of smoke envelopes my peaceful thoughts.

Panic settled in my body as I frantically looked around. spot a fire, I would say about three yards away. I quickly run to it and stand tall as I look at the damage.

It was everywhere.

Left and right you could see the flames reaching at the sky, their ominous glow terrifies me. I run to the opposite side of the fire and go back to the deadly crevasse. The fire was staring down at me like I was nothing but dust that they could easily crush under their feet.

The fire quickly made its way around me. I was cornered, I needed to find a way to escape this mess. Oh wait, I do have a way,

The portal rings!

My hands dug in a secret pouch I possessed in my shoe and took out a bag filled with golden rings. I open the said bag and swiftly throw one on the ground. There, a portal formed and shimmered, eager for someone or something to go through. I then proceed to jump in and the portal closed it self shut.

(You might ask yourself, 'but sonic, what ARE those rings?' Those rings are actually mini portals that when you throw, they teleport you anywhere! From earth to other galaxies.)

I let out a breath that I was unknowingly holding. I looked around me. Trees were hiding the bright blue sky from my green eyes. Thankfully I landed on a planet where life exists, I can finally eat something else than mushrooms and muddy 'water.

I carefully run through the forest and find some sort of hut. It was clearly old and looks pretty abandoned. it even had a whole tree trunk on it. Next to the hut was a... shed? It had a moon carved into its door and looked like it was about to come crashing down any minute.

I walk up to the old hut and open the door. I walk in and see a wooden table with two chairs. Seems like everything is made out of in wood here. Then, behind the table, I spot a couch. It was a seemingly normal couch so, of course I sit on it. It was quite uncomfortable but it did it's job.

Shrek POV:

I hear my front door creek. Then footsteps, wandering around my small hut.

Could it be? Is he back?

I quickly look up and open my bedroom door.


Before I can mutter a word, a pair of green eyes looked back at mine. His fur was a striking blue colour and his ears we're pointed straight to my direction.

"You're not Donkey.."

Wait.. who is that? What are they doing in my house?!

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!", I repeat my thoughts.

"I'm... Uh, my names Sonic." Sonic said, blushing.

Sonic huh.

"And what are you doing in my house?"

He looked around nervously, looking at everything but me.

"Uh.. it's kind of hard to explain.. you should put on a shirt before I tell you.."

Crap! I forgot I was in my pyjamas. My face flushes as I slam my door, making the worn down hut rumble. I put on my brown pants, a white shirt and a sleeveless leather tunic. I get out and look down at sonic. He looked like he's hiding something from me, and I don't even know this guy! I sit down next to him and analyze him. He has comically big white gloves and red shoes. His fur was also spiked on the back of his head. Fits him in a way.

The guys then begins to explain.

" uhm... so you see those rings?"

He shows me a bag containing golden rings. The amount this stuff would be worth is priceless.

I nod.

"Well, they're actually portal that can teleport you to other dimensions"



I look at him like he's crazy, witch he is.

"I know I might sound crazy but it's true, that's how I ended up in your... land I guess.. by the way where are we?" He looked dead into my eyes.

"Uh, I don't know... my swamp?" I stuttered, taken aback by the question. I actually never went beyond the forest, knowing humans might try and capture me.

"Oh, alright then.." he yawned. Maybe he needs to rest, he looks tired.

Sonic's POV:

"You look like you need to sleep. I'll bring you a blanket and a mug of water, stay here"

The ogre stands up, digs in a woven basket and pulls out a blanket seemingly made out of wool. It looked soft and comfortable. he lays it down on me and get out of my sight of view.
he's way kinder than how scary he looks. now that i think about it, he's actually very charming.

i hear the tap turn on and water trickling down, hitting a ceramic like surface. the ogre then comes back to where i am and sets the cup down next to my feet.

he looks down at me but i don't dare to look back at him

"What are you waiting for" i sit there awkwardly looking up at him, waiting on what to do next.

"Lay down" I could feel the heat of my cheeks as I shuffle around with the blanket he gave me. Of course I should've done that! He told me to go and take a nap not even three minutes ago!

I close my eyes and cover my blush with the blanket. I can feel him staring at me but I don't budge. I can finally hear him walk away and open the creaky door. But right when he was about to leave, I hear him say,

"By the way,"

My ears perked up.

"The name's Shrek"

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