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Do you ever have those people that just piss you off? They don't even have to say something, they can be standing there like a normal person and you have the urge to just walk up to them and rIP THEIR THROAT OUT AND BATHE IN THEIR BLOOD. In case you were wondering, I have those people too. Well, mainly just one person. Come on, I'm not that violent. I just hate everyone. Anyways, today we are ranting about (drum roll) Douchebag #2, your time has come. Every time I see this bitch, I feel the need to scalp him, cut off his balls and his dick, give him an endless blood supply (via an IV or some shit) and slowly make cuts all over his body so he can't quite bleed to death. I just really hate him.

There's this other person who I just can't help but want to slap in the face. This-oh my god I can't think of a word powerful enough-mother fucking cunt-never mind I found one-makes me want to start a massacre. He is always fucking interrupting when I'm trying to fucking listen to the teacher, he says stupid shit that doesn't make sense and people laugh which makes me mad because it's not even the funny random, no, it's a failure at being funny and annoying the living shit out of me.

It also pisses me off when people get to do whatever the hell they want when they've got mental illness. Now I don't mean if you have anxiety and you get out of something that makes you have a breakdown, I'm talking about if you're perfectly fine with sitting at your freaking seat but you get to sit anywhere else in the god damn room. But when I do it, I have to go back to my seat when I'm not disturbing fucking anyone and they won't shut up. And when I point out that someone else is doing it, I don't get a damn reply. I will sit wherever the fuck I want if you want me to get shit done. I can sit straight forward in those awful desks, fine. But I'm not doing shit. Deal with it.

It makes me want to scream when people get to walk around the room ALL THE TIME EVERY DAY and they don't get in trouble. What. The. Fuck. My friend has ADD and if she can stay in her fucking seat you can too when there's nothing wrong with you. If it's that bad then go to the doctor and get some meds because it works just fucking fine for her.

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