Chapter 3 - The Warning

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●Chapter 3●

●Chapter 3●

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Word Count: 1050

When we arrived at the front porch of Melody’s house, Ace rang the doorbell.

“Who is it?” Melody asked.

“It’s Ace, I’m here with Luna and her siblings.” Ace replied.

“Come on in.” Melody said as she opened the door. “Everyone is here already.”

“Hi Ace, Willow, May, Iris, Kai and Luna.” Harmony said.

“Hi everyone.” I replied. “So, what are we doing today?”

“Well, my father bought a house years ago. Him and my mother had forgotten about it a long time ago. They want us to decorate it in time for Christmas. I was wondering if everyone wants to come with me.” Mason said.

“Sure, sounds fun.” Harmony said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

“What about you Luna?” Mason asked.
“Uhh… I don’t know.” I said.

 “Come on, it will be fun.” Mason said.

 “Fine…” I said still not wanting to.

 “Alright!” Mason said happily. “Let’s start packing, we can leave tomorrow.”

“Yay!” Harmony, Melody, Lucy, Adrian, and my siblings all shouted enthusiastically.

“I will be right back guys; I am going to go to the bathroom.” I announced, walking away.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I did not want to worry the others, but something just did not seem right. There is this weird gut feeling that something was going to go wrong. I needed to visit Mum or Alisa tonight.

“Luna, Luna, are you in here, it’s me Ace.” he said knocking the door.
“Yes, I am.” I said opening the door.
“What’s wrong?” Ace asked.
“Nothing.” I said, shaking.
“Well, clearly you are lying to me since you are shaking.” Ace stated. “So, I’m going to ask you again. What’s wrong?” Ace said.
“I don’t know, I have this feeling that something is wrong.” I spoke.
 “You look a bit pale,” he said. “Luna, Luna!” 
That was the last thing I heard before darkness fell.

*Ace’s Perspective*

Before I knew it, Luna had fainted. I ran downstairs and saw the others in the living room talking about the trip. 

“Guys! Guys!” I said screaming.
“Ace? What’s wrong?” everyone said.
“Luna was just talking to me in the bathroom, and she was looking a bit pale. I tried asking her what was wrong, but she fainted.” I said worriedly.
“What?!” everyone said. “How did this happen?”
“I don’t know, but let’s go upstairs and put her in a bed until she wakes up.” Melody said.
“Okay, but she’s not waking up.” I said, panicking.

*Luna’s Perspective*

“Ugh… my head.” I uttered out.

 “I’m sorry, but I needed to find a way for you to see us.” a person in a familiar voice said.
“What? Mum, Alisa, what’s going on?” I questioned.
 “You, your friends and your siblings are going to a friend’s house for Christmas, right?” Alisa said.
“Yes, I have a bad feeling about it,” I said.
“Well, it’s because something is going to happen while you are there and since you are the goddess of magic, it is your job to keep them safe.” mum said.
“I see that something is going to happen to your friends if you don’t protect them.” Alisa said. “I saw into the future. It's not bright if you don’t protect them.” 
“What? What’s going to happen? What should I do? My powers haven’t been working well recently.” I spoke.
“Well then, let me give you this.” Alisa said. “It’s a staff that enhances your power, making them grow stronger. There are side effects though. When you use it, it will drain your energy a lot faster than usual, so use it wisely.” 
“Thank you, Alisa.” I thanked her.
“I’m glad we were able to give you this warning, but you have to go, your friends are really worried.” mum said.
“What do you mean?” I questioned.
 “Well, since this was very important, I had to make you faint before I could get you here, so right now your friends are trying to wake you up.” Alisa said. “Also, this isn’t Josh’s doing, this person is more powerful. My powers are fading now, you must go. Good Luck Luna”
 “Why is there a time limit?” I asked.  
“You didn’t come here on your own, I sent you here. You need to go now” Alisa urged gently.      

*Ace’s Perspective*

We all ran upstairs and saw Luna lying on the floor
“What happened?” Lucy asked, frantic
“I… I don’t know. We were talking, she was looking pale and then she just fainted.” I explained.
“Let’s get her in my bed.” Melody said.

“Adrian, Ace and Mason, can you carry her for me please.” 
“Sure.” The three of us responded. 
We laid Luna on Melody’s bed and waited for her to wake up. I put my hand to check if Luna had a fever.

“Wow, she has a fever, her forehead is extremely hot. We need to cool her off.”
 “How do we do that?” Lucy asked. 
 “I need a warm towel. I will try to dab her forehead with it. Hopefully it’ll cool her down quickly.” I instructed, taking my hand off Luna’s forehead.

*Luna’s Perspective*

“Hurry! She’s getting hotter.” a familiar voice said as I groaned. “Luna!”
 “Ugh… what is going on.” I questioned, as I tried to sit up.
“Don’t sit up!” Ace instructed in a stern tone. “You fainted in the bathroom, and now you’re running a fever.” 
 “I-I-I am fine.” I replied, shaking. “Gah…!”
“You aren’t fine.” Iris said, as Ace laid me down on Melody’s bed.
 “No, it’s ok. I will be fine.” I responded as my body kept shaking. “Don’t worry about me.” I whispered.
At that moment, I saw Alisa in front of me. I remembered that no one else could see her and tried to act normal. 
“Sorry Luna.” She apologized. “I think because I made you faint, there were some side effects to it.” 
“It’s alright.” I murmured.
Everyone looked at me. I am pretty sure that they thought I was hallucinating, because I remember that Alisa said, if I saw her in the human world, no one else would be able to.
“Ehh… are you alright Luna?” Harmony asked. “I think she is hallucinating.” 
“I’m okay. It’s nothing.” I replied.
“You should rest Luna.” Ace said, looking concerned.
“Okay, goodnight.” I said, looking at everyone.

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