Chapter 6 - Prepare For Battle

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Chapter 6

●Chapter 6●

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Word Count: 2400+


 I was woken up by Ace.

 "Wake up Luna." Ace muttered. "We are almost there."

 "Ugh... sorry Ace, I fell asleep on you again." I apologized.

 "It's alright." he smiled. "Are you okay?"

 "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine." I answered, trying not to worry him. "The moon is so beautiful, isn't it?"

 "It is." He answered skeptically. "We'll be there in about 5 minutes."

 "Okay thanks." I yawned.

 A few minutes later, we arrived at the house. Everyone except Ace and I rushed in eagerly. I started to feel weaker than before and the feeling of danger overwhelmed me, but one look at Ace, and I instantly felt calmer. When we went into the very old and abandoned house, there were cobwebs everywhere and the lights were off. It felt like we were in a movie with a haunted house, but this was not a movie, this was real. The thought sent shivers down my spine. Ace saw that I was spooked and did not let go of my hand. I started to have this weird, fluttery feeling in my stomach, like butterflies. Why was I so nervous all of a sudden? It must just be the creepy house. I kept thinking about it until Lucy's excited scream echoed through the house. When Mason turned on the light, the sight that greeted us was spectacular. The room was well lit, with a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling and rainbow fairy lights attached to each of the walls.

 "Since we have five rooms, Willow, Melody and Lucy will take the first one. May and Harmony will take the second room. Kai and Adrian will take the third room. Iris and I will take the fourth room. Luna and Ace, you will be taking the fifth room." Mason stated.

 "When did you plan this?" Adrian questioned.

 "I didn't need to plan this. I just thought it would work best." Mason answered.

 "We should get settled in before we explore. Meet back here when all of you are done, then we can start exploring." Harmony said.

 "Melody, Lucy, Harmony, Adrian and Mason, are you sure you want to share rooms with my siblings? I can share a room with them." I was concerned.

 "Don't worry about us Luna. We are more than happy to share a room with your siblings." they assured me.

 "Alright then. Let's get settled in then." I said as everyone agreed.

 We all went to our rooms and settled in. When Mason allocated our rooms, everyone was acting strange. I thought it was weird that everyone's rooms were either all girls or all boys, except for me and Ace. I took my pink backpack and my small grey luggage upstairs. I went back downstairs to take my sister's and brother's luggage. Once I finished taking their luggage, I went back to Ace and my room. I opened the door to see Ace had finished unpacking.

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