✦ Chapter One - Wangshu Inn ✦

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The scenery and atmosphere between Mondstadt and Liyue were entirely different once Lumine and her floating travel guide, Paimon, reach over the borders of Liyue at the stone gate. Once they've arrived, they were stopped by a guard, soon to found that they were called Millelith, in their tracks and began to question the two girls.

"State your reason." The guard with brown hair and weird bowl cut spoke to them as he wore a black and gold military force suit. It was different from the Knight of Favonius.

Lumine cleared her throat, straighten her back as she opened her mouth to speak. "We-"

"We're here for this year's Rite of Descension!" Paimon cut the poor traveler out as the outsider shot her an annoying glance. This fairy really loves to take the spotlight, huh?

The guard briefly scanned the two before standing aside, allowing them to proceed. "Well then, I hope you enjoy." Lumine nodded her head politely as she walk pass by him, up the old wooden stairs, greeted by a watchtower at the left side of the bridge. The foundation was made out of stones as red flags hanged at every side of the tower. Lumine hummed in amusement, praising the handy craft before looking infront of her.

Her floating friend flew ahead of her as she waved the traveler to hurry up while pointing infront of her. "Hurry hurry! Look at this view!" Paimon exclaimed as Lumine jogged a bit before slowing down as the bright sun hit her eyes, causing her to squint. She blinked a few times before her vision began to adjust to the brightness. Once they did, Lumine gasped as her heart filled up with excitement at the view. A huge vas of rivers flowed at almost every corner of her eyes as well as strange but unique forms of hills and mountains perked up from the worlds crust. She saw a huge old stone bridge across the water as well as a statue on the other side of it. To her right side, there was a few people sitting down, chatting away, enjoying their tea. Lumine smiled before turning back, spotting a few watchtower stood in the distance before something else caught her eye. In the very far distance, stood a huge tree as the hue of orange and yellow leaves swayed effortlessly with the wind. She soon began to noticed a building that was built in the tree itself. Green roofs and red walls. How interesting. She saw a huge water wheel behind the tree as it moving slowly. That's when it struck her as she began to frantically search in her personal storage. She pulled out a guide book that she received from the Chef Alchemist, Albedo as he once told her about his partnership with a young man over here. She quickly opened up the guide book as she scanned for something..anything! She turned the page as an image of the same exact tree that stood miles away from her. "Hm? What is it?" A high pinch voice caught her attention.

She look up from her book to stare at the fairy who had her tiny hand cupped around her chin with a hand behind her back, floating up and down. Lumine smiled as she extended her hand and pointed towards the tree. "See that huge tree over there?" Paimon eyes followed her finger, landing on the very noticeable tree.

"Of course Paimon can see that! It's the most hugest thing here besides that weird mountain behind it!" Paimon frowned as Lumine formed a grin.

"Well it says here that it's an inn built into the tree. Travelers come in and out of there all the time!" Lumine explained as she closed the book, tossing it into the air, disappearing into her personal storage. Paimon was unamused as Lumine exhaled sharply. "Meaning that there's food..."

"Well why didn't you say that?! Let's get going!" Paimon clapped her hand in excitement beginning to float away as Lumine sighed in annoyance. She may be tiny but man, she can really eat.

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The two eventually make it to the bottom floor of the Inn. One the way here, they've encountered numerous battles and hilichurls camps, forcing Lumine to clear them away for the safety of them and other travelers. Exhausted, the girls made their way towards a new invention that has caught their eyes on the way here. This invention made the Inn quite popular as no one has seen this beauty before. However, a young women with brown short hair and bangs stopped them in their tracks.

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