im pissed

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two people on here

not naming any names


these people piss me the fuck off

they're both so full of themselves

and they're so ungrateful and just think about how amazing they are

when in reality, they aren't shit.

I've said it so many time but i will fucking drag a hoe

im not violent
i don't go out looking for fights

but i want to smack the ABSOLUTE SHIT out of these people

i swear to fucking GOD.

i cannot stand these motherfuckers

they're both fake as hell

narcissistic as FUCK

they really think they're all that but they aren't shit

i wonder where that mentality is going to get them

oh i know

on the streets without a motherfucking pot to piss in

these pussies are pissing me the fuck off and im fucking blocking them fr fr

next time they piss me off like this

its on sight

im so fucking pissed rn
i can barely type
my fucking hands are shaking


seriously what the actual fucking shit.


i want to drag the shit out of the both of them

especially a certain one

because that ugly bitch wouldn't even fight back

jfc im fucking done with everyone here

except for my friends and s/o's

i need fucking therapy

because my anger issues are really getting out of hand

at least i can acknowledge that

im done.

fucking done.

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