~Chapter 21~

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Bokuto was squeezing water into his mouth from one of the many water bottles in the third gym while Tsukishima was wiping sweat from his forehead. Akaashi and Kuroo were sitting down on the ground.

"What pictures did (Y/N) take during practicing with you two?" Akaashi asked Kuroo and Bokuto.

Bokuto answered while making a heroic pose, "Oh, well she took many pictures of my awesome spikes."

"And pictures of how attractive I am," Kuroo added.

Tsukishima added a 'Tch' to both of their answers.

Everyone got up and went to the court for another nightly practice match. "Hey Akaashi, if Bokuto and I win, I have some questions I want answers to."

"Whatever you say Pain-in-the-ass-Kuroo-san."

Kuroo got ready to serve with a delighted smirk on his face.
"Hey Hey Hey!" Bokuto exclaimed which echoed through the gym after making the last point with his spike.

A grumble was heard from Tsukishima.

Akaashi walked over to Kuroo with his usual straight face, "So what are the questions Kuroo-san?"

Kuroo smirked and looked at the ceiling of the gym while humming, pretending to think about what his questions were. After some time he looked back at Akaashi. Bokuto was standing next to Akaashi, intrigued by what question Kuroo was going to ask.

"Well I was just wondering- I mean, It's not just me but maybe a lot of people are wondering," Kuroo started. Tsukishima added while watching the scene, "I'm not wondering at all." Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Besides Four eyes; What are your thoughts on (Y/N)-san~."

Akaashi's cheeks flushed pink, he didn't expect any questions about (Y/N), but he should have known better seeing that Kurro was asking the questions.

Bokuto poked Akaashi's cheek, "Oooh look at that Kubro! He's pink."

Akaashi pushed Bokuto's hand away and started with a sigh, "She's very nice, but can get hot-headed sometimes. Is that what you wanted to know?"

Kuroo opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted. "Damnit Kuroo. This is not what he was supposed to say. Right?" Bokuto said, who was obviously upset at what Akaashi said.

Akaashi raised an eyebrow at his upperclassmen, "What was I supposed to say then Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto huffed and said "Well Kuroo, (Y/N) and I made up a whole entire plan of how she's going to tell you that she likes you," Kuroo and Akaashi stared at him in utter disbelief. "Like I made this whole amazing plan for her."

"Bokuto, I think that's enough," Kuroo was able to murmur out of his mouth.

"Hold on Kuroo, I'm not done telling Akaashi....Akaashi. GWAHH AGASHHI!!!" Bokuto managed to speak out with the whole school hearing him. Tsukishima was heard in the background laughing, with Kuroo cackling along. Bokuto put both hands on Akaashi's shoulders and started violently shaking him, "Ok so you weren't supposed to know any, and I mean any of that."

Akaashi stood as a statue, trying to process what happened in the past minute.

"You clearly broke him," Tsukishima said in a 'duh' tone.

Kuroo finished laughing and wiped a tear from his eye away. "You're so dead Bokuto. I'm surprised (Y/N) didn't sense that shit you were saying."

Akaashi looked down at the floor and thought, 'No. She doesn't like me, but Bokuto doesn't know how to tell a lie properly.' He looked back up ti see Kuroo laughing and Tsukishima snickering at Bokuto who was praying that he wouldn't lose his life the next day.

Akaashi finally spoke, "What plan are you going to make for me then?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Akaashi with wide eyes and big grins.

"What did I just hear?" Kuroo asked in a surprised tone.

Akaashi repeated himself with pink cheeks and a neck scratch.

"You like (Y/N)?? My theory is finally true!" Kuroo cried out.

Bokuto ran over to Akaashi and put an arm around his shoulder. "Ok so here is my awesome plan for you! We get you all fancy looking and have flowers for you to give her. Then you confess your love for her," Bokuto said while smiling brightly.

Akaashi smiled lightly and patted Bokuto's shoulder, "I use the plan Bokuto-san. I just need to make some adjustments."

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