Chapter 2

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The day started off like another day. Jenny got up and started getting ready for work. Today she really wasn't looking forward to going because Ana was gonna be there. Ana is one of her mean co-workers and the worst of them all. She absolutely hates jenny and she lets her know that everyday. But thankful today she only worked 4 hours instead of her usual 8.

Once she got to work Ana was already there. "I see you running late there slut". She tires to ignore her comment and just walks past her. When she got to her locker she saw that Ana had followed her.

"I was fucking talking to you, don't be rude" Ana screamed

"Can't we just not do this today and start working" jenny said

"I don't want to waste my time with you anyways" Ana says as she pushes jenny out of her way

The day went by pretty fast. It was almost time for her to leave and she couldn't wait cause she was getting sick of Ana's evil glares at her.

None of the customers ever stood out to her. But she watched as the couple of two women walked in through the door
As soon as Jessica and Mia saw her their eyes went wide. Jenny was very confused because she knows she's never seen or meet these ladies before. So she just tires to ignore it.

Jessica turned to Mia and said "she would be fucking perfect"
"I know"
"Should we ask her"
"Not right away we don't want to scare her, we don't even know her"
"Your right we should talk to her first"

The couple reached the counter. "Hello my name is Jenny, how can I help you two today" jenny said

"Can we just get two coffees please" Mia said

"Of course, is that gonna be for here or to go"

"For here please"

"Ok so your total is going to be $4"

"Ok here you go" Jessica said as she hands her a hundred dollar bill

"Wow ma'am this is a one hundred dollar bill, do you need change or something" jenny said shocked

"No, we wanted you to keep it"

"Oh no I can't accept this, th-this is to much really, but thanks anyways"

"No please keep it we insist"

"Are you sure no one has ever given me a tip this big"

"Well maybe they should start, and if we were lying believe me we would have taken the money a long time ago, but trust me there is more where that came from" Jessica said as she winked at her

"Hey Jen stop flirting with the fucking customers, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want a whore like you" Ana said

The couple was about to say something but jenny stops them
"No it's ok, I-I'm ok, I'm used to it" jenny said and they look at her with sympathy.

"Your coffee will be out soon, and thank you so so much for the tip I really appreciate it"

"No problem baby, like we said there is more where that came from"

She took one last look at them until she went to the back to get her stuff to get ready to go home.
She couldn't help but to look back one last time and she saw that they were staring right at her. She couldn't help but to blush.

When she finally goes to the back she sees Ana standing in front of her locker.
"Excuse me" she says but Ana doesn't move, instead she pushes her.

"Give me the tip they gave you" she demanded

"What, no it's mine "

"I don't care, give it to me now"

"No, it's my tip Alex says I get to keep all my tips"

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