reliving it all over again

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When we got to Harry's place we both sat down on his couch and he stared into my eyes waiting patiently for me to explain. I was hesitating at first but I began to explain to him my past.

FLASHBACK °°°°°°°°°A Year Ago°°°°°°°°
I was in chases apartment laying on his bed waiting for him to come home. It was about 9:00, after about 2 or 3 hours I was falling asleep when I heard a crash and heavy footsteps in the kitchen. I got up slowly and cautiously made my way to open the door expecting it to be chase which it was.

But it wasn't normal chase he was beyond drunk and looked like he was high.
"Chase?" I called out to him and he snapped his head to me.
"EMILY were you waiting for me?"
He said his voice darker then I've ever heard it.
"Yeah I was, where were you?"
"Out, come here?"
He demanded and I stood there shocked of how It didn't sound like him. And when I didn't obey him he yelled
He said but now I was to scared that I couldn't move.

"FINE HAVE IT YOUR WAY" he said as he made his way to me. I quickly closed the door and locked it, he banged on the door and yelled
"OPEN THE DORE" "EMILY LET ME IN" "OPEN THE DOR BEFORE I KNOCK IT DOWN" he yelled as he started to kick and hit the door. Tears were starting to form in my eyes as I ran around the room looking for my phone, tears ran down my face as I remembered my phone is on the table in the kitchen. Sobbes escaped my mouth as a fist made it's way through the door, I was freaking out trying to escape this room from him.

I saw the window and quickly opened it, half of my body was already out of the window but I felt a tug on my leg and arm and Chase yanked me back inside the room. I screamed as loud as I could but then I felt pain on my cheek and I realised Chase hit me. He threw me on the bed and a whimper escaped my mouth as he hovered over me grinding his hips into me.
"Please don't" I pleaded to him but he just ignored me as he pulled up my shirt. I resisted but he was much stronger than me.

When he was about to take off my shorts I slapped him across his face and pushed him off, I got off the bed but when I was about to run he threw me over his shoulders and tugged me to the bed. He tied my hands over my head and to the headboard, I whimpered pleading for him to let me go but just ignored me. He took off my clothes as well as his until we were both completely naked, I whimpered and cried out for help and for him to let me go he he didn't.

He parted my legs and made his way into me, I yelled and cried, I pulled at my hands that were tied up trying to free myself but there was no use. When he was done he pulled out of me and untied my hands he said nothing, I punched him right on the face and tried to get up from the bed but he tugged me down. His face full of anger he grabbed me and threw me against the Wall and window. The window shattered and I felt pain on the top of my hip and thigh, I grabbed a piece of glass and launched at him I cut his arm. Since he was on the floor I took the chance and grabbed his shirt and jumped out the window. I ran until I noticed a place that I recognise and I stayed at my friends house who took me in.
END OF FLASHBACK°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

I looked down whipping away my tears, I looked up at her to see her crying uncontrollably and she said
"Just make it stop....... please make it stop. it hurts" she said I grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me and engulfed her into a comforting hug. I held close to me like she was so fragile she could brake any second, I leaned next to her ear and whispered into her ear "I won't let him near you okay, if he wants to get to you he has to get threw me and I bloody fucking swear I will kill him if he lays a hand on you" she stoped crying and looked up to me and said "thanks but I haven't told you what happened when I saw him"

"You can tell me if you want or maybe some other day if it's to much I don't mind" "No it's okay...... uhh well I went to the store and I saw him there he recognised me and I just ran off, that's all"
"WAIT WHAT you saw him, WHAT DID HE DO?, Did he touch you or anything I swear I will go over there and beat the living shit out of him even though I already want to do that I won't hesitate to beat the living hell out of him-" my rambling was interrupted by Emily's lips.

I kiss back and slip my tongue in her mouth, I lightly pull her arms so she can sit on my lap which she does. Her knees were on both sides of my sides and I placed my right hand on her jaw and the other on her waist, her hands were both on the back of my neck. She pulled away and we just sat there looking at each other, then I broke the silence "What was that for"
"For being such a caring man, thank you for being here for me" she said as she laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped her in my arms.......
"No problem love, there wouldn't be my were else I would wanna be then to be holding you in my arms" I said and kissed her forehead, we just fella sleep on the couch her in my arms.

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