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Emily's P.O.V
"Come on I'm taking you some were"
Harry spoke to me as he dropped me a bag from Hollister.
"What is this? and were are we going?"
I said to him as I got up from the couch that we fell asleep on.
"Clothes for the day and it's a surprise so get dressed we are going to get breakfast"
He said as he lead me to the bathroom to change, he handed me the bag and kissed my forehead, I blushed at his adoration.

I closed the door and changed into the clothes he bought me. I looked at my reflection and saw that my eyes were smudged due to my eyeliner and mascara. I washed my face and applied eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. Good thing I had them in my purse, I grabbed Harry's brush and brushed my blue wavy hair. I looked back at my reflection and felt satisfied, Harry had pretty good fashion sense, I was wearing black jeans and a red knitted sweater with a coffee scarf oh and dark brown comeback boots.

When I walked out harry was on his phone typing away
"So were are we going"
That seemed to grab his attention because he looked up and his jaw dropped.
He regained his posture and smiled at me.
"You look beautiful Emily"
I whispered a thank you and looked away feeling a blush creep in.
Harry intertwined his fingers with mine and smiled at me his dimples coming into view.
"Come on beautiful let's go get breakfast"
He said and kissed my cheek.
After breakfast
After breakfast Harry drove us to his so called destination, well it took about half an hour or so. We live in New York so the busy city traffic was expected, about an hour later we were no longer in the city. I looked around and saw that were in a small town it was pretty cute. Harry parked his car around a corner and got out to open my door, I whispered a thank you and we walked down a path hand in hand.
"So were are we going??"
"Hold on we are almost there"
We walked for a while around town admiring my surroundings, but soon enough Harry stopped right in his tracks me following right right behind him.
"Harry what the hell"
I said and looked at Harry he seemed pretty out of it like he was afraid and sorta sad.

He turned around and pulled me with him his grip on my arm not loosening.
"Come on"
He said as he pulled me with him as he stormed off away from where we were going.
"Harry what's wrong?"
I asked but he ignored it, when I looked at him he seemed pissed so I just left it alone and walked faster to try to keep up with him. But then I heard someone calling Harry's name.

I was about to turn around but Harry tugged at my arm and looked at me saying
"Don't look just ignore them"
He said and then I felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me from my track's.
"Hey Harry who do we have here"
The guy said and I turned around and brushed off his hand. Harry tugged me behind him for sure looking pissed off now.

"What do you want Ethen"
Harry spoke his voice fuming.
"Nothing much just wanted to know you your friend was, what's your name love?"
He said a wicked look he gave me and I looked away holding back from snapping at him.

"Listen here you prick, don't even get near her or else-"
"Or else what Harry are you gonna fight me because we've done that before and guess what happened, you ended up on the floor with what's her name?? Was it Isabella, Bella, ah yes it was Arabella crying her eyes out because I beat you up. What a waste of my time and effort."

"You only won because she held me back you prick."
He said as he stormed off pulling me with him but we still heard what he said when we walked away.
"To bad she's gone"

Back in Harry's apartment

I closed the door after Harry barged in, he looked really pissed but I still noticed the sadness in his eyes. After an awkward silence I spoke up
"What was all that about?"
I whispered to him wary about how he would react, we were in his kitchen his grip on the counter his back to me.
"I don't wanna talk about it"

He said roughly making me tack a step back I was a little scared of how he sounded.
"Well just know I'm here for you if you wanna talk about it or just want my comfort I'm just gonna head out"
I said lower then a whisper and turned around to leave but I felt a hand tug on my wrist followed by arms wrap around my waist and he whispered in my ear
"No please don't leave me..... I'm sorry please stay"

He said and I relaxed under his touch and words, I turned around and looked up to see his watery eyes. I wiped away his tears and hugged him my arms around his neck and shoulders and his arms around my waist, he laid his head on the crook of My neck and mine on his shoulder. When we pulled away he kissed me softly
"This was supposed to be a date"
"I had fun at first even though I didn't know I was on a date"
"I was also gonna ask you to be my girlfriend"
"Well the day isn't over yet"
He chuckled then looked in my eyes and held my hands in his and said
"Emily Porter will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend"
"Yes Harry styles I would love to be your girlfriend"

I said and he grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Oh god I really like you Emily I'll make it up to you I'll take you to many other dates"
"You just made my day" I said to him as he carried me to his room and fell asleep.


Sorry I haven't updated but idk about this book and it's also my first one so yeah. But if you guys don't want me to delete it and continue it would mean the world to me if guys would vote and comment plz. Oh and any ideas would be nice thanks.

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