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B: ugh i can't believe he got that Ava chick

S: don't you mean Eva

B: whatever *grunts*

H: Blair you have ranted about Charles for 20 minutes are you okay

B: of course i am why wouldn't i be i don't still loved him after he slept with the whore

H: omg you aren't over him

B: uh i am let's just go to Carlos Miele

S: B you can tell us

B: i- um can we just go

S: ya sure

B: actually haley is he um over me?

H: i don't know honestly i have hardly seen him he came back just 2 days ago

B: oh um can you um ask him

H: if you confess you aren't over him

B: i just want to know please haley

H: fine i'll ask him tonight

B: thanks

S: hey i got to go i have a date with Nate

B: that's great S

H: good luck

S: thanks *leaves*

*at night*

H: hey can i talk to you alone

C: um sure one minute *kisses Eva and goes to the other room*

H: how are you

C: great

H: i meant about Blair like are you over her

C: oh um did she ask you to ask me

H: um maybe but answer the question i want to know

C: just leave me alone it's my life

H: answer the question

C: fine i don't love Blair

H: *sighs* um okay then you are free to go

C: thanks *leaves*

*the next day*

B: hey so did you ask him

H: i am sorry B

B: great *tries to hold back tears*

H: are you okay?

B: i will be come we are going and trashing his suite

H: um i get you are mad but that

B: are you coming?

H: ugh fine

*at the suite*

B: i haven't been in here like in months

H: are you sure you want to do this

B: no *walks towards a picture of her and chuck*

H: oh it's still here

B: yea wait *opens the safe*

H: you know the code? even i don't know it

B: yea it's my birthday well it still is

H: oh looks like i have some confronting to do

B: no it's fine i want to speak to him

C: *enters* what are you doing here and um Blair

B: can we talk

C: um okay haley can you just show Eva where the spa is

H: okay *leaves with her*

C: what do you want you broke into my suite

B: are you happy with her?

C: um yea of course also i am sorry about the whole jenny humphrey thing

B: it's fine don't worry *takes a deep breath* i um i love you i love you so much

C: i am with Eva

B: do you love me?

C: Blair

B: answer the question do you love me Charles Bartholomew bass

C: you know i love you but i love Eva

B: do you love her how you love me?

C: no what we had was the epic, all consuming, dangerous love while it's simple with Eva

B: which one do you prefer?

C: i think it's time for you to leave

B: great um goodbye *tears up*

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