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after a day

H: you look strangely happy did you find a cute hooker if you did i need her number

C: no but Blair loves me

H: omg i knew it did you say it back

C: i said it first

H: omg that's amazing

C: i know and she said it back

H: obviously she did Serena told me how much she missed you

C: anyways how was your date

H: we broke up but tell me how is it like being back with Blair

C: really but you know we got back together last night right

H: yea but you were a mess before she moved in

C: no i wasn't

H: you went back to hash

C: oh ya i was a mess

H: honestly your and Blairs baby is the best thing that happened to you both you have become more responsible and Blair is not smoking and getting drunk everyday

C: well yea it's kinda great honestly

H: what do you mean kinda

C: like she is always mad at me and it's just kinda scary you know

H: i bet in 6 months you are gonna have your own kid

C: yea it is kinda hard to believe

H: i know also are you happy about it

C: yea of course i love Blair and i love our kid

H: hehe that's great then but i kinda kissed Nate last night

C: wait what

H: i kissed Nate and he kissed me back and then-

C: you slept with him

H: yes Serena is my best friend i can't believe i did that to her

C: but why did you kiss my best friend

H: maybe because i also dated him a few years ago

C: just don't do it again Serena can never know

B: *enters* Serena can never know what

C&H: nothing

B: you both have become terrible liars just tell me

H: i um slept with Nate

B: wait what aren't you with Elle

H: we broke up so Nate and i met for drinks and then you know

B: i am sorry about Elle but Nate is with Serena

H: i know i feel so bad

B: okay so meet Nate today with your clothes on and just tell him not to open his big mouth in front of S

C: Nate doesn't have a big mouth

B: he told me he slept with S when we were together

H: thanks i guess i'll do that

*in the cafe*

N: hey you wanted to meet me

H: yea last night was a mistake and Serena can never know

N: i agree but haley i don't think it was a mistake

H: what do you mean

N: i miss you like i miss dating you i miss waking up each morning thinking that we are together

H: Nate

N: i am sorry i shouldn't have said that

H: *kisses him* i miss you too

S: *enters* Nate, haley

N: we can explain

H: i am so sorry

S: Nate we are done and haley we aren't friends anymore

H: S no i am sorry

S: only my friends get to call me S

N: Serena i am sorry but i think it's over

S: *runs out crying*

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