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the next day

C: um hi what are you doing here

B: i just came here to just plan everything out about our little situation

C: oh come in then

B: thanks omg i love this new portrait

C: thanks

B: back to the important thing so i made this agreement you can have the baby on the weekends and you can visit anytime

C: sounds good

B: also i am sorry about tricking you

C: oh don't worry about it i kinda over reacted it was just Nate

B: *smiles* i am glad we are friends

C: me too also i was hoping you would move in until he or she is a few months old so i can be involved

B: actually yea that makes sense

*both of them almost kiss*

C: we'll be in different bedrooms of course

B: yea obviously

C: you should go pack and stuff

B: yea i should see you probably tomorrow *leaves*

C: *calls haley* can you come over now

*after a few minutes*

H: hey what is the urgent situation

C: yea so you know about the whole Blair thing right

H: yup

C: so i asked her to move in and we almost kissed

H: wait what are you guys getting back together

C: i don't know i kinda want to and i think she does too

H: if you are moving in together you have to seduce her and then sleep with her then have the talk

C: no way i am just gonna ask her

H: then if she doesn't she will not move in

C: don't get in my head

H: do you love Blair

C: *sighs* yes

H: i knew it

C: actually we broke up for a reason

H: seriously

C: we broke up for a reason it's just not meant to be

*at Blairs apartment*

S: you need to confess B

B: i love him but i don't think he wants to get back together he has made it clear we are just friends

S: i am pretty sure he loves you too

B: well i should start packing and i am going on a date

S: wait what

B: to make him jealous then he'll tell me if he loves me

S: omg B

B: and i found a date actually a hooker but whatever

S: no no no just tell him straight

B: fine i won't make him jealous but i'll wait till he confesses

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