Chappie 3: I should've known...

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Of course the kissing part was a lie.

I think...

I mean, it's like a dream. Some random guy just pulled you and kissed you. Not to mention my first!

I mean what happened to chivalry, when a knight will come and take your hand and ask if they can kiss you...

People these days don't even think before they do it.

But maybe they're right about the thought;

Shit happens!

Then reality hits me. I was definitely kissing this guy. I was wrong, he's not just a random guy, he's a charming-yet-dangerous guy.

When I think it lasted for like 10 seconds, he loose grip on my arm.

Then I did what a rational lady would do.

I punched him on his tummy. Hard.

Yeah, punch not slap.

He fell on the hard ground. I guess I really do have gifted hands. Thank God!

Cruel, I know! But I felt really satisfied and contented. Besides, that'll teach him a lesson.

"You moron! Have you ever heard the word 'respect'?"

"Look I-"

"Oh don't you ever utter a single word! You know it's a waste of how good looking you are!"

I stalked off furiously before I explode.

I didn't know that he has a stubborn side, that's when I realized.... He was chasing me!

For Pete's sake! This one's tough!

He grabbed my arm again and caught me. This time on my waist.

Then I was really shocked of what happened next.

He tickled me on the side of my tummy!

That's the time when I screamed for help at the same time laughing like an insane person.

"Let go of me! Please help! I don't know him!"

Few people turned their attention to us. And what irritated me is that they just stared and smiled.

Obviously because we look like a young couple having fun publicly.

Ugh. It's really making me sick.

"Let go of me you bastard!"

"Aww! Don't be like that young lady, you know, me and my wife right here had the same situation when we were young... It can all be sorted out with just a peck" A sweet old man probably in his late 70's with his wife I presume, commented.

They walked away after that.


I've gathered all of my strength to face him. I pushed him as hard as I can. This time it's going to be worse.

Much to my dismay it didn't work.

"Look I'll let you go, if you let me explain"

He hissed.

"Stop the tickling first!"

"Don't worry, I'm not planning to prolong it" he said together with a grin.

Do I look like some desperate girl!? UGH!

"Haha. Screw you!" I said sarcastically With a frown on my face.

He then let go of me. I composed myself since we've been gaining a lot of attention around the park. We're now in a different location where we are now too visible. I sighed, putting a furrowed brow on my face.

Were both silent for a minute. Observing one's moves. Taking a deep breath before starting the conversation. Then I decided to start.

"Why the hell did you kiss me?"

"There are three reasons why I did it... First, someone's stalking me. It's a she. And hell she looks creepy, so I decided to go straight in a nearby park. When I noticed that she's starting to chase me by fast walks, I planned to screw her by searching for a girl and pretend I'm in a relationship. Second, I noticed you and got interested in you, not in a 'like' way, but I figured out that you could help me. And third is to save your ass, Dumbo"

"Wait, what? W-what do you mean to save my ass?"

"Some creepy guy is staring at you, you know, Hobo looking ones? He's kind of more worse than the one who's stalking me."

"Oh My God" was all I can say. Crap.

"Then why did you still kissed me?"

"Because it wouldn't be convincing if I'll hug you." He replied in a 'duh' expression.

Somehow I'm relieved because if that didn't happen, I wouldn't know where I would end up.

Irritated, I pushed aside the anger I felt towards this boy.

"Fine, thanks." I said with calm expression.

"No problem... I'm sorry though if I 'invaded' your own 'property'"

I blushed, but remained calm.

"I should go... It's running late..."

"Can I walk with you?"

"I guess" I said with a cold voice.

"I'm Daniel"


We walked silently. It's not an awkward moment though, yet I have a weird feeling of comfort and relief with this guy at the same time hatred for stealing my first kiss.

When we're almost there I stopped at my tracks. I still have to be careful though. He's still a stranger and I don't really know if I could trust him.

"I'm not stupid enough to lead you at my house you know... I'm alright here..."

"You sure? I mean it's kind of dark out here-"

"Yeah, I can manage... Besides I'm already near at my house..." I retorted snappily.

"Me either..."

We stared at each other for a moment...

"I better get going... My mom's probably searching for me... see you H!"

He smirked and waved at me.

I was really intrigued. Not just by his character but at where he's going. It's the same direction that leads to our house. Odd.

I followed him. Then stopped when I saw where he lived.

There's a new pain in the ass in town. And this time I'm thinking to be locked up in a tower like that Rapunzel. To my disappointment, Fairytales are not real.


Not proofread :) Please correct any mistakes :D

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