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I came home to my mother scribbling on a bunch of papers in the dining room. I tossed my bag on the couch and slid into a seat beside her.

"Hi, mom!" I chirped, resting my chin on her shoulder. I'm really happy with how the day ended, especially about what Luke said. His words echoed against the walls of my lonely mind and, needless to say, I've been smiling ear to ear ever since then.

"Oh, hi sweetie," she smiled, but the happiness never met her eyes. I could feel the joy inside me slightly dissolve.

"What's wrong mommy?" my eyebrows creased in concern as I wrapped my arms around my mother's small shoulders. She loves when I calm her mommy. She says it reminds her that I still need her just as much as she needs me. As the words left my mouth, she did nothing but clench the pen she was using in her tiny fists. No smile. No indication of a happier mood. Nothing.

Something is definitely wrong.

"Mom?" I repeated in an urgent tone. She blinked rapidly as if just being alerted of my presence.

"Oh-uh... Honey, it's nothing you should worry about," she swiftly stacked the papers and placed them in her lap, another fake smile forming on her lips. I narrowed my eyes at my mother, who was now squirming under my suspiscious gaze.

Me and my mother have always had an open, brutally honest relationship, even in the times when the truth is preferably not needed. For example, when I wore a strapless dress to a family dinner and my dear mother publicly stated I didn't have enough bust to pull it off before volunteering to buy a push-up for the next time I decided to wear the dress.

Such a considerate mother, right?

Anyways, my point here is, my mother and I never hide anything from each other, especially in times like now when it's only me and her. What's so important that she needs to hide?

"I'm going to go upstairs now," I announced, my seat screeching against the floor as I got up. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her while she's being so secretive. That and I wanted to watch Naruto until my eyes bled. I didn't even wait for her response before I spun on my heel and scaled the creaky steps. Locking myself in my messy room, I knew it was gonna be a productive, work-filled night.




SORRY FOR THE SHORT BORING ASS FILLER CHAPTER. Its because this chapter was too long so I had to split it and this was the only place I could divide it with a normal ending.

But anyways, the next chapter will be VERYYY long and I can't wait to post it!

Just hang in there it will get better yo

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PS- ily♥♥

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