Chapter 9: Switching

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Saw was actually improving and Ahsoka felt rather proud. He'd come a long way in getting it to a slower speed yet the droid popper was still was too fast. But progress was definitely progress. Despite Ahsoka's constant support and guidance though, the fierce fighter was getting easily frustrated. "Ugh! This is hopeless!" Saw three his next droid popper hard on the ground and turned away from Ahsoka to where his sister and, in Saw's opinion, the worst ever fighter were training. Bonteri was far too close to Steela for Saw's liking yet there was very little he could do while Commander Tano was generously taking the time to train him.

Ahsoka wished she could honestly look back on this training session and say she gave Saw all the help he needed but truthfully she had spent half of the time half-heartedly persuading Saw to try again and the other half deeply scrutinising the pair beyond them. Ahsoka was convinced that Steela was being this useless on purpose just to be close to Lux. The Jedi found it infuriating that it was her home planet they were sticking their necks out to save and she was more interested in romance. Ahsoka was choosing to ignore the rational side of her that reminded Ahsoka of her own past attempts to enhance her relationship with Lux. Still, Saw was determined to save his home so Ahsoka did try to help him improve. "Don't worry, keep trying. Try extending your fingers to the fullest but with a slight curve at the end; it should improve the spin and slowness of the droid popper." Ahsoka stood closer to Saw and placed his hand in hers, stroking his fingers as he smiled down at her. Ahsoka felt his breath tickle her monstrals and couldn't help but enjoy the thought that Lux might see and become jealous.

Saw felt superior. Ahsoka was incredibly beautiful and important to Lux who Saw found very annoying. Now she was playing with his fingers and leaning against him. Of course Saw hoped that General Skywalker would notice that he had been paying attention to his Padawan and raise his opinion of Saw higher. Lux being jealous was also a enjoyable factor. Saw stroked her own fingers and grinned down at her. "I guess I should see if this works." Saw whispered gently to her, pulling slowly away and turning back to the droideka. Doing as she suggested, Saw let the deactivater roll from his fingertips and towards the droid. It passed! The droid popper exploded and the droideka became scrap metal. "Yeah!" Saw cheered, pumping his arms into the air while those around him cheered.

Ahsoka clapped alongside the others, her cheeks flushed as the events that had just transpired between the two clicked in her brain. She wasn't someone who played with people's feelings like that yet she had desperately wanted to make Lux jealous. Ahsoka felt shame rise in her throat at the thought she was completely abandoning her Jedi principles over boys. Granted, both boys were rather attractive and therefore Ahsoka wasn't repulsed by either but a part if her felt as though she was cheating on Lux. This thought was ridiculous as she and Lux weren't even a proper couple. Ahsoka felt that she would be able to justify her actions if she was just a regular teenage girl whose hormones were going crazy but she couldn't for Ahsoka was a Jedi so she could never be in a romantic relationship; regardless of who with. Nevertheless, Saw had worked hard for this achievement so she smiled at him. "Well done. You've come a long way."

Saw gave her a grin that caused her traitorous heart to flip. "You're a good teacher, Jedi." If only she was better at understanding her emotions. Suddenly, the sound of shouting caught their attention and everyone turned slightly to look at Steela and Lux getting frustrated at one another. "Bonteri." Saw grumbled angrily and Ahsoka took a couple of steps towards the Onderonian fighter in case she had to restrain him from beating Lux to a pulp. 'On second thought,' Ahsoka wondered. 'Would that really be so terrible?' She relaxed her muscles and watched the other pair argue.

Okay, it wasn't really an argument it was more Steela was getting frustrated. 'Quitter.' Ahsoka huffed. Lux was trying to keep Steela calm and try again. "Don't worry, you'll get it. Don't give up." Lux attempted to soothe his friend but Steela was having none of it and stormed away.

Ahsoka didn't really want to have to go and console the woman who had been nothing but rude to Ahsoka since she arrived but Saw was looking at her pointedly to go over to his sister and Obi-wan, Anakin and Rex were busy discussing something else. She gave him a small smile. "Just keep practising, I'll be back soon." Ahsoka motioned to the other droidekas waiting to be deactivated as Saw nodded. She turned so Lux came into her view for a few moments and felt guilty joy at the look of annoyance on his face at Steela's reluctance and confusion over Saw and Ahsoka's actions towards each other.

Steela was sat on a log on the outskirts of the encampment where she could still see her fellow rebels training. A sniper rifle sat on her lap as Ahsoka approached her. "Hey, what happened back there?" Ahsoka didn't really care for the answer but she has to try to look caring.

Steela didn't look up from tuning her rifle. "I couldn't get to grips with it. But I'm not a quitter." Steela's choice of words surprised Ahsoka as she had just thought of Steela as a quitter.

"Do you want to know how I came to be so good with a droid popper?" Ahsoka asked although she doubted Steela cared.

She tutted. "Let me guess, the Force?" Steela looked through her eyepiece to check it was clear.

Ahsoka shook her head. "The Force does help me a lot of times in battle but that isn't what makes me a good soldier. I practised and practised until I got it right." The Togruta hoped Steela could see where she was going with this.

If she did, the Onderonian fighter didn't show it. "I'm sure that works for you, bur not for me. Like I said, I'm not a quitter. I just know my strengths." Steela stood up, pleased with her weapon's performance.

Ahsoka nodded, the two woman didn't like each other and they barely had to be civil to one another but they did respect each other. Side by side, Steela and Ahsoka walked back into the main section where both Lux and Saw had improved well on taking down droidekas. Then, they split off back to the pairs they started with. Maybe not the pair they were meant to be in though...

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I quite liked writing the flirting between Saw and Ahsoka but I assure you my readers, this is at its core a Luxsoka fanfic. I'll update again on time soon. Bye, bye.

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