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Well here we are! The Epilogue! The part that ties up lose ends or sets the scene for the next book. However this epilogue will be different because there is no next book. Not unless you all beg me to. I will probably start writing another story in the New Year however it is very likely that it won't be Luxsoka. I hope you don't mind. Nevertheless, I really hope that you have enjoyed the 'Legat' series. I have, a lot more than I thought I would. Now, to wrap up the story!

Barriss Offee had waited patiently in her cell for Ahsoka to come back and finish her off. She'd expected it. Wanted it, in a way. For if Ahsoka finished her then she wouldn't have to face trial for the crimes she had commited. The guards didn't talk to her, the other prisoners looked at her in disgust and sometimes a little awe. Barriss didn't care, she had nothing to care for now. Her Master or 'former' Master she should say, Luminara Undli had already come to see her, to tell her that she was no longer part of the Jedi Order and a disgrace to her people. No warming compassion or hurt or desperation to understand her. Just a cold, hard, calculating goodbye. People said Luminara was a hero, beautiful, clever, kind, disciplinary and honest. Barriss knew the truth though, the Mirialan Jedi Master was nothing more than a harsh shell of rules and perfection. When Barriss had first become her Padawan, she thought it would be great to have someone from the same species as well as someone so revered. She quickly discovered however that Luminara expected her to be perfect, poised and dutiful. Master and Apprentice. Not friends, not siblings, not family. 'You are my learner and will do exactly as I say.' That had been Luminara's teaching method. Barriss greatly envied Ahsoka for the relationship she had with her Master and lineage.

Now at least she would never have to see the broken Order again. They would fall like she said, it was only a matter of time. Ahsoka had made her decision to leave the Order as a choice however Barriss had been cast aside. Either way, they were safe however death would probably await her now after her choices. Two days before her trial would commence, Barriss received a note through one of the guards. She wasn't surprised that it hadn't come through a hologram as they weren't allowed to use those. The note was handwritten in a familiar curvise that Barriss instantly recognised. Ahsoka.

"Barriss, I'm sure you're trying to keep a brave face on in front of the people you now consider enemies and that's fine. I wish that you'd gone about stating your beliefs in a different way so that no one got hurt or that innocents weren't accused. I trusted you though and you betrayed me, you betrayed the people you raised you! I know that the Jedi aren't perfect, I've known that for a while. Yet I can't support you in what you did. However, I forgive you is what I'm trying to say. Lux's wounds will heal and he won't need any replacement limbs. You're lucky I'm strong with the Force or I'd be giving you a very different message. In person. With my lightsabers. You are still my best friend though. Love, Ahsoka." Barriss had been surprised to say the least when she had received the note yet she cherished it greatly. Going so far as to sleep with the letter under her pillow.

The next day there was a prison breakout, Barriss saw her opportunity and she took it. Having no time to retrieve any of her things, the accused Mirialan ran off away from everything and into the night. Later the authorities discovered that the only thing she took was the letter. Having no way of identifying who it was from for a potential lead, they dropped the investigation. It was reported that she managed to stowaway on a cruiser to Lothal. No one had heard anything about Barriss Offee after that although Ahsoka sometimes sensed her despite her signature being twisted and warped beyond recognition. She hoped that she was okay.

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