Chapter 26: Morning After

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Yay! Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic has reached over 400 reads! Thank you to all my readers who have gotten us to this milestone! Hopefully we'll reach 500 reads soon. Now, on with the story!

Lux woke up with a pounding headache and old clothes on. He was lying on his couch instead of his bed and there was a bucket of vomit beside him. Lux held his nose as he coughed before standing up and sluggishly moving towards the sink to tip it away. His memory was terrible. He had no recollection of what had happened to lead him to be hungover. At least he hoped he was hungover for a cold was hopefully never this bad. The sudden sound of movement from the rooms behind him caused Lux to jump and hold the near-empty sick bucket up like a weapon. "Whose is there?" He called into the dark.

There was some more shuffling as someone came into the light and although it took a moment for Lux to recognise them, he was glad when he did. "Vizzal! What are you doing here?" The purple and blue Twi'lek had been a good friend to Lux during his time on Mandalore despite her only being the postwoman. Lux then felt bad for not getting back in touch with her since being on Onderon and Coruscant.

Vizzal Shala didn't seem that offended by his lack of communication or sudden hostility. "It's nice to see you again Lux although I have to admit dragging your drunk body back here wasn't the reunion I had in mind. To be honest I never had you down as the drinking type, politics finally break you?" She laughed and it was very musical but also quite high which didn't help Lux's drunken headache.

He shook his head slowly as some of the memories started to come back to him. Suddenly the events leading up to now hit him like a Force punch. "Karabast! Ahsoka! Damnit! Did you see a Togruta nearby? Around our age?" Vizzal shook her head as she walked over to him and helped him to sit down before getting him a glass of water. Lux felt dreadful as his actions returned but grafefully took the glass from his friend.

Vizzal sat across from him with a sympathetic smile. "Should I ask?" Lux sagged in his chair which she took as a no. "Well I'm sure whatever happened it can't be as bad as some of the other things you've done. You'll work it out, I'm sure. Come on, breakfast can't wait but you smell so go take a shower." Vizzal shoved him out the chair and pushed him towards the bathroom.


Ahsoka woke up with a slightly sore back as she always did due to the uncomfortable mattress she counted as a bed. Her heart also ached due to Lux however Barrisx had been a good help to her predicament. She stood up and checked her comnlink to see if she had received any messages from Lux. She hadn't expected him to call her but searching through the Force she could tell he was okay.

She walked out of her quarters towards the training room. Her mind needing clearing and this would be the best way to do that. Setting the droids on the highest difficulty, Ahsoka then spent an hour or two bashing the mechanical clankers to smithereens. At some point, Anakin arrived to watch her and when she had finished he came over to her with a smile. "Heya Snips, training went well. Something on your mind?" He looked better today then he had before which pleased Ahsoka although she was careful to not mention anything to trigger him.

Still, Ahsoka doubted her Master would fully understand what had happened and go on a warpath to destroy Lux. "Not really, was I needed for something?" She deactivated her sabers as he led her through the doors and towards the barracks.

Anakin nodded. "A new mission has come in. The 501st has been deployed to Cato Nemonia and we're going in a couple of hours. I suggest that you prepare." She nodded at her Master as he jogged to catch up with Rex while she saw Jesse and Fives needing a hand with the ammunitions. Ahsoka smiled at the organises chaos around her as her fellow fighters prepared for another battle. It felt good to be going back out to the front lines, she only wished that Lux would call her so they could sort everything out.


Someone walked around the Jedi Temple towards their employed location. They were an employee for the Jedi and worked as a nanoweaponry expert. They had always liked the fact that they worked here and were grateful to the Jedi for providing them with the opportunity. Although their wife did argue that they should get paid more but they didn't do this for the money. Besides, their wife didn't work at all so if she was worried about money then maybe she should also get a job, they had no kids to look after.

A fellow co-worker, Trito Bravado, was a Bothan who joined around the same time they did. They were good friends who had a lot in common. "Hey Trito, how are you?" Trito nodded and gave them a thumbs up which they returned as they couldn't talk because Trito was in a conversation via headset. Leaving him to it, they continued on to where they were supposed to be.

Hanger bay 5 was perhaps their favourite hanger bay in the Temple. They weren't sure why as it was exactly the same in layout as every other hanger but something about this particular one filled them with hope. Their stomach grumbled but they weren't worried as their wife had cooked them a heartfelt breakfast but she wasn't much of a cook.

"Hey buddy," Their boss who was a tough looking Selkath named Callipo Contheo ran over to them. "We've picked up an old starfighter from a battle a few rotations ago. We need you to check it for nanodroids, is that okay?" They nodded, pleased to be working in their speciality. Callipo grinned. "Thanks man, you're a lifesaver." He went off over to another section that needed attending to while they went over to the recovered ship ship and pulled out their scanner to check it wasn't dangerous.

Their scanner went off the charts and kept filling with readings! This was unprecedented! Nothing they had ever come across had contained so many nanodroids! This was bad! Very, very bad! They turned around to their co-workers to call out a warning when-

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did however I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. I'm sure Lux and Ahsoka's relationship will sort itself out over the next few chapters. Nothing bad to come at all... I will update tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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