Chapter 11

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I'm the hero of the story
Don't need to be saved

As Christmas edged closer and closer, I was getting more and more anxious at arriving at Malfoy Manor and spending the holidays with Draco and his parents. I still hadn't told him the big secret, and he was always still going off with Snape. We still hung out as much as we could and I enjoyed being around him, he made me feel safe, and I know I did the same with him, and that's why I knew it'd only hurt more if he found out who I really was. But, as time crept closer, I knew that at somepoint, he'd find out. I just hoped it wasn't his parents that would tell him.

I had began packing for the Manor, when I felt him creep up behind me and kissing my shoulder before hugging me from behind.

"You're only just packing, love?" He asked. "You know we're leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes, I know" I giggled. "I've always been a bit of a procrastinator I suppose."

"Okay, how is it you're one of the brightests in class, besides Granger, and you're always punctual to classes, but you're leaving it last minute to pack to see your boyfriend's parents?" Draco wondered.

I shrugged in response.

"Darling, I get that you're nervous, but you don't have anything to be afraid of." Draco responded, now looking at me.

He looked me straight in the eyes and took my hands, kissing them gently before continuing.

"I know I've told you about me, and I know you've heard things about my family. But I can promise you, Ana. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you while you're there. You're going to be safe, and I've told them to take it easy on you. They actually sound like they're excited to see you." 

Excited probably wouldn't of been a word that I'd use. And if they were excited, then it was probably to see their son's relationship go up in flames in an instant. Possibly as soon as I walked through the door. I could feel all these thoughts go up in my head and I did my best not to panic in front of Draco. If I did it now, he'd probably ask what was going on. As much as I cared for him, I couldn't give up my cover right now. I took a big sigh and faked a smile.

"How'd I get so lucky to find someone like you?" he smiled.

"Believe me, it was the astronomy tower that did it for me." I teased.

He leaned in for a kiss before I heard a knock on the door.

"Hmm.. stop right there." I giggled, before shouting at whoever was at the door to come in.

In popped Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Oh, sorry, We just wanted to see you quickly before we left for the Burrow." Hermione stuttered.

"You seem a bit pre-occupied." Ron laughed.

I could feel Harry and Draco glaring at each other from across the room. There definately was something going on between them, you could cut the tension with the knife. I had given up at this point with the both of them trying to get along with each other, or even being civil. So I sighed.

"Harry needs to get out of here." I muttered.

"What?!" He asked in shock.

"You heard her, Potter. Leave." Draco ordered.

"Well, what about us?" Ron asked.

"No, you and Hermione can stay I suppose. But I'm getting ready to leave soon." I smiled.

Draco kissed my cheek before saying "I'll check up on you later, love. Hopefully you wont get more distracted with packing. We're leaving first thing tomorrow."

I couldn't help but feel myself blush as he walked out the door.

"Bloody hell, suppose you both really do like each other." Ron mumbled.

"Oh hush, Ron. I personally find it cute that they're together. Surprising Malfoy can actually care for someone so much, but you both make a lovely couple." Hermione gushed.

"Thanks." I smirked as I continued packing.

"So you're really doing this? You're really going to the Manor to meet his parents?" Ron asked.

"Yes, Ron. Why are you interrogating me? It's just going to be a pleasant little Christmas with the Malfoys. I don't see anyone wrong with that." I lied.

"They're bloody Malfoys, Ana. Nothing's pleasant with them." Ron raised his voice.

"Ron, please. If Ana wants to go then let her go." Hermione begged.

"I'm not gonna stop her from going. I can't really. But I am going to ask you to be careful. We've met his dad before and he's not a nice fellow." Ron replied.

"Right, I get that. Draco's told me about him. But I know to be cautious, and if anything I have my wand and I can just apparate back here." I shrugged.

"Ana, this is a big deal. And it must be to him too if you're meeting the parents." Hermione pleaded.

"I know. And to be honest, it wasn't his idea in the first place. It was Snape's. But maybe this will do us some good." Again, lying.

"Snape's idea? Wait, this didn't come from Draco himself? Okay now I really am concerned for you." Ron roared. I could see it in his eyes that he meant it genuinely.

"I'll be fine!" I yelled. I didn't know who I tried to convince more, me or them.

Suddenly, I heard someone burst though the door.

"Weasley, Granger. I think it's time you both go. You can see Ana when she comes back, and if you really think she's in any danger, you can send her an owl. You all know where you'll be. But do you really think I wouldn't protect her? Seriously, you both can be pathetic sometimes." Draco sneered.

I watched them hesitantly leave my dorm room, Hermione whispering me a "Merry Christmas" before they left. 

"I didn't go too far, I could hear them raising their voices and stood outside the door incase it all blew up, guess it kinda did, huh?" Draco asked

I gave him a hug and sighed deeply into his chest.

He had no idea about the chaos that was about to happen.

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