Chapter 12

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When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Christmas Eve had very suddenly rolled around and before I knew, I had found myself in the halls of Malfoy Manor. My anxiety had very suddenly reached an all time high and I could feel myself panicking while looking round. I had did my best to hide it from Draco, but he must have seen the look on my face, as he suddenly took my hand, and gently gave it a squeeze.

"You alright darling?" He asked in concern.

I nodded. I couldn't do anything but nod. I didn't want to frighten him, nor did I want to lie like that to him, but what was I supposed to say?

"Ah yes, you must be Ana." his mother, Narcissa smiled.

"Yes, I've heard a lot about you." his father, Lucius mentioned.

I did my best to fake a smile despite feeling so paranoid that they were going to say something to Draco about who I really was. But I also knew they only wanted him to be happy. So I did my best to shrug it off while Draco was showing me around, and we were exploring the mansion. Before we knew it, we had hit a room that was suddenly making me feel chills. Something had just brought a bad vibe around it.

"Oh, you're not a fan of this room?" Draco asked.

"I-I dont know. I just feel like there's something off about it..." I trailed off, while looking around. It seemed to be a big room, filled with a massive table and a bunch of chairs. Was this some sort of board room? A place filled with meetings? And why did it make me feel so uneasy?

"Oh, well if we're being truthful and we're introducing you to my family, this is where us Death Eaters have our meetings." Draco confessed.

And suddenly I had felt sick to my stomach. There was a definite feeling the Malfoys knew who i was, if not them... then somebody. I could feel my heart beating out of my stomach and before I knew it, I was sat by the front of the door, hyperventilating. 

"Darling? Ana, what's wrong?" Draco asked, crouching down in front of me.

"I-I-I... I need to get out of here." I managed to say.

"I thought you wanted to spend Christmas with us." He asked.

I could see the pain in his eyes, but I just couldn't do it anymore.

"I-I.. fuck..." I began to cry.

He began to sit down and wrap his arms around me. I must of looked like a mess, but while we were alone, I knew I couldn't hide who I was any longer. He had sat down with my dad, as had his parents, and god knew who else.

"Draco, I need to tell you something." I sniffed.

"What is it, love?" He pondered.

I sat upright and looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm not the girl you thought I am.."

"What do you mean, Ana? You're beginning to scare me."  

I took a deep breath before getting the courage to explain my story. "My name's not Ana Baeur. I'm Anastasia Riddle. My mother wanted me to lie so I could get into Hogwarts and actually live my life without having any judgement with who my father is. I didn't mean to lie to you, not for this long. I wanted to tell you but I was so scared about how you'd think of me. But I sit here, and I know I had to tell you because either way, you were going to find out. And I'd rather it'd be from me than your parents."

Draco looked up at me, and then back on the floor, somehow smiling to himself.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Ana, did you not think I knew?" He laughed.

"H-how did you know?" I questioned.

"You clearly don't remember, but my family have known yours since we were small. I was waiting on the day you'd come to Hogwarts, and eventually you did. My parents knew you already because of your father, but your mother would actually bring you round here when you were younger. I've always known who you were, but I wasn't going to tell your friends because that's not fair on you." Draco smiled.

"No, there's no way." I sniffled, wiping my eyes.

"Ana, when we were about five years old, you made me this ring. It's just some sort of clay and a tiny rock in it but you wanted me to keep it. And I kept it on my finger ever since. It looks pretty cheap but I never cared what about what anyone else thought because it came from you. When you arrived at Hogwarts, I knew instantly who you were. From childhood. That's why I've been so protective of you. Because not only are you my love, but my childhood best friend that I lost for years. I like your mother, and I get why she hid you away, but I lost you for so many years that I didn't want it to happen again..." Draco described.

I sighed happily and kissed his hand. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

We must of been there a while. because the door suddenly opened and I felt myself topple straight onto the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled. Which ended up with me laughing on the floor.

"Anastasia, Draco. Merry Christmas, my loves. We'll see you in the morning." Narcissa smiled

Lucius grinned and looked at Narcissa lovingly before turning back to us. "It's our absoulte pleasure to have you here, Miss Riddle. We can see how happy you make our son and how much you understand him., and that's all we want at the end of the day."

"Of course, Mr and Mrs Malfoy." I nodded.

"Please, you can call us Narcissa and Lucius." He smiled back.

"Oh, then you're also free to call me Ana." I answered.

The both of them nodded in understandment before taking off. Draco offered me his hand to get up and I took it. He helped lift me up from the floor, and we had made our way to his bedroom. His window had a clear view of snow falling outside. I couldn't help but stare at it in awe, and I suddenly felt like a little kid again. Feeling like I was suddenly just watching it for the first time, watching the delicate little snowflakes landing so gracefully on the ground. I felt him hug me from behind and rest his head on my shoulder.

"If there's any settled in the morning, we'll go out in it. Alright, love?" He whispered.

"I'd love that." I grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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