Chapter 18

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It had been days since Dream's last conversation with George. He had replayed it over and over in his own mind, searching for small hints of anything that he might have missed. But all that kept resurfacing were George's cruel words and the cold smile that accompanied them. At first, Dream had been hurt by the words, but with each passing day, those feelings quickly shifted over to feelings of anger and annoyance.

And now, as he sat at his desk, eyes cast down, he couldn't help but think that George was easily the most frustratingly annoying person he had ever met.

Ever since the mishap at Technoblade's party, Dream hadn't seen or heard a word from George or his team. He felt completely in the dark, and while still being at George's mercy, he had no idea what his next move was.

"So," Sam spoke from across the desk, "what you're saying is, we have absolutely nothing?"

Dream was pulled from his dazed trance with a sigh, and he ran a hand down his face because the reality of the situation was, they had less than absolutely nothing. He had been sitting in his office with Sam and Sapnap for what felt like far too long, trying to figure out exactly what they had been thrown into the middle of.

"Basically," Sapnap answered, his head falling back against the cushion of his chair, "the only thing I got from Quackity is that Technoblade's mother and George's father got married a long time ago. So technically, yeah, they're brothers."

Dream's eyebrows raised at the words, and he quickly looked over at Sapnap as he asked, "Quackity told you that? Since when are you two friends?"

He saw the smirk form on Sapnap's face, and he regretted the words almost instantly. But Sapnap was already leaning forward as he said, "awh, are you jealous, Dream?"

Dream rolled his eyes, scoffing under his breath as he muttered back, "yeah right, idiot. I'm just curious."

In reality, Dream hated the idea of his team getting too close to anyone on George's team. He obviously couldn't trust George, and that distrust extended to everyone who worked with the brunette. And after what Sapnap had already been through, he was hesitant to believe that anyone on that team had good intentions.

"Relax, Dream," Sapnap spoke again, "I can take care of myself. George might be a total dick, but Quackity's actually not that bad. Plus, I know I can kick his ass if I really had to."

Dream huffed out a laugh, although he still felt uneasy when Sapnap was still covered in fading bruises and cuts that were only just beginning to scar over.

"Can we get back on topic here?" Sam asked suddenly, and Sapnap quickly nodded in response as he muttered out, "yeah, sure. Not my fault Dream's possessive."

Sam ignored him, turning to Dream as he continued, "we need to figure out why George is so hell bent on killing Technoblade. There has to be a reason for it, and it'd be nice to know if we're going to be involved."

Dream sighed but nodded in agreement. He knew that Sam was right, he just had no idea how they were going to get the information out of George. He had already attempted that, and it hadn't exactly gone well. And now all he was getting from George was radio silence.

"That's easier said than done," Dream answered, "I tried, he wouldn't talk."

He just barely caught Sapnap's knowing grin before Sapnap was leaning over the arm of Sam's chair and muttering, "they got into a little lover's quarrel after the party."

He shot Sapnap an annoyed look, but Sapnap only grinned back at him and said, "it's okay, Dream. You don't have to share with us, but I know you must have because you were extra grumpy the next morning."

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