Chapter 33

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"It's not a good idea."

Sapnap had repeated the words over and over throughout the course of their conversation, but Dream barely even heard them. He wasn't going to change his mind when George was potentially involved, especially not when he could finally get answers.

Sam nodded in agreement from where he sat beside Sapnap, leaning forward over the table that separated them as he asked, "what if this whole thing is a set up, Dream? What if he just wants you to walk in there so he can kill you?"

Frustrated, Dream ran a hand over his face, shaking his head as he responded, "Sam, he said I could bring whoever I wanted with me, so I doubt that it's a set up. It wouldn't make sense, he can't kill all of us."

They had been going around in circles since Dream had received the call from Technoblade, and Dream was feeling more annoyed with each passing second. And although he already had his mind set on going to the meeting, both Sam and Sapnap weren't yet convinced.

"If George did choose to work with Techno, then why should we even bother with this?" Sapnap asked. He had been against the idea before Dream had even finished telling him about the conversation, something that Dream understood given his history with George. But if he was going to do this, he knew he couldn't do it alone. Technoblade was too unpredictable, and Dream needed his team to back him up.

Dream exhaled a slow breath, leaning back against his chair in defeat. Finally, he spoke, "I get where you guys are coming from, but you have to understand that I'm not just going to ignore it. Not when it's George we're talking about. Maybe he did choose Techno, but I need to see it for myself."

When he received no response, he continued, "I'll go alone if you really don't want to help me."

And then finally, he got what he was looking for. Sam shook his head in response, already pulling out his phone as he muttered, "you're not going alone. I'll get a group together."

Relief washed over him, and Dream muttered a quiet, "thank you, Sam."

And when his eyes lifted towards Sapnap, he saw that he was shaking his head in annoyance despite his words, "well then obviously I'm going too. But I'm not happy about it. George is really starting to piss me off."

Dream understood his words completely, because despite the fact that he wanted to see George, he couldn't seem to shake the feeling of anger that clung to him. After everything they had been through, he still couldn't imagine how George could lie right to his face. But if he had, then Dream truly didn't know George at all.


Sam gathered together a group of their strongest and most trusted team members, the same group they always worked with for meetings like these. Usually, Dream felt safe knowing he was backed by his team, but this particular night, he felt uneasy and nervous.

None of his past dealings with Technoblade had ever ended well, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this one would be no different. But he tried his best to ignore the voice in the back of his head that told him he should stay away; he was doing this whether he wanted to or not.

As the car approached an unfamiliar building, Dream let out a nervous breath, feeling Sapnap's hand on his shoulder and his voice filling the tense silence as he asked, "you okay, Dream?"

Dream could only shrug; he had no idea what he was feeling but he knew he was far from okay. But there was little time to dwell on feelings, and so he brushed the words away and muttered back, "I'm fine. Just wanna get this over with."

Sapnap nodded in agreement, and the two climbed out of the car. Sam and the rest of the team were already assembled and waiting outside of the building; some scanning the area while others prepared their weapons for whatever awaited them.

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