Chapter 23

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"You see, George. Technoblade said that if your friends got in the way, he had no issue with me putting a bullet through them. So that's exactly what I plan on doing. Two less problems for me to deal with, right?"

The words echoed through Dream's mind as he looked across the room at Sapnap. Sapnap was staring right back at him, eyes wide and pleading for Dream to do something, anything. But Dream could only stand rooted to the spot, hands raised helplessly in surrender as the man pushed the gun harder against Sapnap's temple.

Realistically, Dream knew that if he made a move for his gun, he'd be dead before he even got his hands on the cold metal. He could tell that the man's threats weren't just empty promises, and that he would have no issues with killing both Dream and Sapnap. Two less problems to deal with.

Dream could feel his heart beating hard in his chest; he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so completely helpless and at someone else's mercy. Usually, he knew how to regain control over these types of situations, but he was at a complete loss with this one. He couldn't risk making the wrong move, especially not when it was Sapnap's life on the line.

"Schlatt," George's voice was low and dangerous as it cut through the tense silence, all hints of his normal teasing demeanor completely gone, "don't be an idiot. Let him go."

Just as Dream had suspected, George did know the man who was currently holding the gun to Sapnap's head; Schlatt. He made a mental note to ask George about it later, depending on whether they were able to get themselves out of this situation.

Dream watched Schlatt's mouth curve upwards into a grin, and his responding laugh sent a chill down Dream's spine, "and why would I do that, George? I'm just following the orders I was given."

"Let him go," George repeated, his voice still low, "or I swear I'll shoot you before you even think about pulling that trigger."

Schlatt's dark eyes narrowed as he studied George, but then the cruel smirk was forming on his face once again as he muttered back, "you're all talk, Georgie. You're not gonna do shit to me."

Dream heard a quiet hum come from George, and then he quickly picked up on the metallic click of a trigger being pulled. His body tensed, green eyes snapping over towards Sapnap and Schlatt, only to see them both staring wide eyed in George's direction. Dream's head swiveled quickly towards George, and he saw the brunette standing with his gun drawn, his finger pulling back the trigger.

It was an incredibly impulsive and risky move considering that Sapnap was standing in such close proximity to Schlatt, and Dream turned back towards his best friend quickly, his breath catching in his lungs as he prepared himself for the worst. He quickly tried to make sense of the scene unfolding before him; Schlatt yelling out in pain as the bullet pierced his shoulder, Sapnap's elbow colliding hard with Schlatt's stomach as he knocked the gun from his hand, and then Schlatt falling to the floor and clutching his injured arm against his body.

Dream exhaled in relief as he surged forward and pulled Sapnap safely behind him, his green eyes dropping down towards Schlatt. There was crimson blood blooming out over the white of his shirt, and his eyes were screwed shut as he cradled his arm and muttered a slew of curses under his breath.

"All talk, huh?" George smirked as he strode over towards Schlatt, kneeling down as he continued, "it was so nice catching up, Schlatt. Tell my brother I said hello, okay?"

Schlatt grit his teeth as he bit out more curses, but George only smiled as he stood and turned towards Dream and Sapnap.

"What the hell, George," Sapnap said as he took a step towards the brunette, "you could have just killed me."

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