Sick Day

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You wake up in cold sweats, a runny nose, and a soar throat.

"Shit" you think, as you try to prop up your pillow," I'm sick"

You look around the room for a box of tissue and push the blanket off of your weak body. The box of tissues is so far away, so you call Sam and ask him if he can help you. Dean went out for some time alone after he found out what Sam was doing behind his back. He hasn't been back for two whole days, and you and Sam start to worry. You hear footsteps and then Sam appears, laughing.

"What's got you in a good mood this morning?" you ask him as your voice cracks.

"Well, the fact that you called me to get you a box of tissues is definitely a major part of it." he says smiling, as he hands you the box. You grab one out, and blow your nose very hard. He holds out the trash can for you to throw it in. Sam puts his hand on your forehead to feel your temperature. His hand gives you comfort, and you relax your tensed up body.

"You're really hot," he says worried. You decide to crack a joke to lighten the mood.

"You just now realizing that? I've been hunting with you guys for over a year!" you say with a mere smile on your face. He laughs as he walks out the room. You urge to ask him where he is going, because you want him to stay with you, but your too weak to even talk. A few minutes later, he comes in a with a warm bowl of soup, a small cup with some red liquid in it, his computer, and some lure books.

"What's the computer and the books for?" you ask.

"Well, I wouldn't want to leave my brother's girlfriend alone while she has the flu, and I still gotta try and figure out how to get that dirty mark off Dean's arm" You smile back, thanking him, and grab for the spoon to eat the chicken noodle soup he made.

"I'm really worried about him. Do you think he's going to come back soon?" you say in-between bites.

"In time, A/N, in time." Sam says, and opens his computer. With that, the conversation ended. You think about Dean and the mark while you eat the soup, and then you lay back down and fall back to sleep. The next time you wake up, Sam is gone, and your iPhone displays the time 1:41 PM. You struggle to get up to go to the bathroom, but after 20 minutes, you make it back to your bedroom, where you find Sam sitting in the only chair in the empty room.

"Will you lay with me?" you ask him in a whiny voice. He gives you a very odd, mysterious look, and slowly make his way to the right side of your bed. You roll over and lay your head on his chest.

"I'm not sure Dean would like this very much." Sam says, as your reach for his hand.

"Well, first of all, Dean's not here, and second, I'm not sure Dean is really Dean anymore." you reply, as you turn your head up to lock eyes with Sam.

"We'll find him, don't you worried. Even if it takes me my whole life, and when I'm finished I have to die, I will still find him. Now, you need your rest, so go to sleep." Sam's says in a calm tone, so you close your eyes and drift off for the rest of the day, dreaming about where Dean might be, while you lay next to Sam.

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