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"RUN," Sam screams. You follow right behind him. "What about Dean?!" you ask as your sprinting for your life. "He's a great hunter, he'll find his way out. Right now I need to keep you safe, or Dean will kill me." Sam answers back. You follow Sam, but your not quite sure he knows where he is going. When you think the worst has happened, you hit a dead end. You and Sam are practically corners. "Stay behind me," Sam yells. He pulls out his gun. "Silver bullets," Sam turns, winks, and grins at you. You see it. The ugly thing smiles, and darts toward both of you. Sam points the gun up and pulls the trigger, three times. Your heavy breathing and shaking slow down, until your back to normal, except for your feeling of relief. Sam puts an arm around you, and you bury your face in his chest. You two start to walk and you turn the corner to find Dean running towards you. "I killed it, Dean. You can calm down." Sam says as Dean stops running. "Oh, baby, I got scared when I couldn't find you. I'm so happy your okay. Please don't do that again." Dean says as you run into his arms. He gives you a long, hard, and meaningful kiss. "Your welcome, Romeo. I feel so appreciated." Sam pokes at Dean with a smile. I laugh and we leave.


You all get into the car, feeling achieved. Your on your way home. "We need to stop for gas." Sam points out. We find the nearest gas station, and a feeling of hunger sweeps over all of us. "Damnit Sammy, I'm starving." Dean complains as he gets out of the car. "I'm a little hungry myself," you say. Sam starts to walk toward the convenient store. "Lemme guess, beer and pie for Dean, Gatorade, a banana, and a jar of Nutella for you Y/N." Sam guesses while smiling. Dean nods and a small giggle comes out. Sam opens the door to the convenient store to get our food. Dean puts the pump into his baby, and walks towards you. He smiles, which lights up your face, and he wraps you in his arms. You hug him back, and look up, your eyes level with his chin. He puts his head on top of your and you just stand there, observing the night noises until you hear the click of the pump. Dean walks over to it, and pulls the pump out. He inserts one of his fake credit cards to pay. Sam comes back out with 2 paper bags, full of food. All three of you get into the car. It's all normal. Normal night, same people. Sam, who is sitting in the passenger seat is sleeping. and Dean looks back at you. You see his face in the review mirror, and smile back. "You should get some sleep. What time is it? 3:00 AM?" You check your phone. It displays the time 3:17. "Yeah, about, but I'm not tired." Dean turns towards you, and grabs for you hand. "Hey, watch the road." Dean smiles and turns back around. You drift off. The next thing you know, the impala is flipped over, you hear the sound of sirens, and you can't move. After you find yourself stuck in the flipped car, you hear Dean. "Baby, please, please don't leave me." Dean's screaming. You blackout.


You wake up in the hospital, with Dean holding your hand. Surprisingly enough, he looks fine. You have a fractured knee, a broken hand, and 13 stitches. He jumps out of his chair when he sees that your awake. "Y/N, babe you scared me. The doctors said that there was a chance that you wouldn't make it. That's why there's a dent in the wall over there." Dean says as he points towards the dent. "Where's Sam?" you ask, half awake, half drugged. "He is gonna be okay. He's getting coffee right now. His nose is broken, but that's it. I don't know how that's all he got injured, and your in this bad of shape." "Yeah, well, you gotta love the backseat." you say and manage to put a smile on your face. Sam walks in, and realizes your awake. "Hey sport, how ya feeling?" You smile and say," Sport? Really? Sam your cute!" All of you laugh, but your the first to stop because of how much it hurts. But then, you start to cough. Dean hands you some water, and pats you on the back. He gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead, because he realizes how much pain your in. After that, you don't remember anything. You fall asleep, with your hand in Dean's.


"Can you please fix her?"

"Dean, I don't know if I have enough power to. I'm very weak right now. If you let me rest for a couple of days, I will be able to then."

"Come on Cas, just charge up those angel batteries!"

"Dean, if it was that easy, then I would do it." You open your eyes after there conversation seems to be over. You see Cas.

"Hello Y/N."

"Hey Cas." you reply.

"Cas says that he will be able to make you all nice and new in a couple of days" Dean says with joy in his eyes.

"Yeah, I know, I heard." you say, with a dazed expression. Suddenly, they all exchange worried looks. "How much did you hear?" Dean says as he walks over to you.

"Not that much, why? Wait, is there something I should know?" You question, as you sit up. You realize that the pain is too unbearable, so you lay back down.

"No, nothing much. Just. Nothing" Dean says trying to act cool. Then Cas disappears, and you know something is up.

You lay there, thinking about all the possibilities of what Sam, Dean and Cas could of been talking about. Your kind of mad because you have been with them for 2 years now. Do they not trust you? What is it. They trust Cas more than you? Well, that's understandable. He's an angel. But still. It pisses you off. Your nurse comes in to disrupt your train of thought.

"Here's lunch Y/N!" she says with a wide smile on her face. You give you a little grin, but your not in the mood to eat. Then Dean comes in, Sam following. You try to ignore them.

"What's wrong hun?" Dean says looking concerned.

"You wanna know what's wrong? What's wrong is that you aren't telling me something. Do you not trust me or something? What is it?" You lash out. You shouldn't of done that. He looks sad now.

"Well, I was going to do this later, but you obviously leave me no choice." You get a little scared for a second. But then, Dean does something that you would of never expected. Dean gets down on one knee. In your head, there is chaos. You never expected this. But, he can't afford a ring. Damnit he can't afford anything. A million questions go through your head. "Y/N, will you marry me?" Those five words send shivers up your spine. You smile real big and Dean reaches for his back pocket. He pulls out a tiny square box. He opens it, revealing a gorgeous ring. "Before I say yes, which I will, I wanna know how you afforded that?!" Sam laughs. Then Cas says," Dean had me steal it." You giggle. "Well, I didn't exactly make you steal it Cas. If I remember correctly, you jumped at the idea of me marrying Y/N, and you were more than happy to do it. Well, as happy as your fluffy ass can get." Dean winks at you, and leans into kiss you. "Okay, it's official, we are married.

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