A Super Sad Supernatural Feel

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So ok this isn't a imagine like all the other ones. This is like a feel and will probably make you cry.. I was crying while writing it. Stay Strong throught his my lovelies ! I love you!

Imagine: Castiel is laying next to Dean, but not sleeping. It 2am, and Cas has tossed and turned but he can't sleep. Being a human is hard. After he lost his grace, he doesn't know what's what. He slowly gets up, trying not to wake Dean. Sam is in the other room, so he has to be very quiet. He walks towards Dean's knife and picks it up. The demon killing knife. He walks into the bathroom, and looks in the mirror. He misses his wings. His grace. Heaven. He screwed up so badly. Angels are looking for him. He doesn't want to hide anymore, but he doesn't want to leave Dean. Dean will breakdown if he leaves. He takes the knife, and slides it against his skin, Blood drips down his arm, and hits the floor. In the other room, Dean rolls over to reach for Cas's hand, not finding it. This wakes him. All he finds is a heap of sheets. Dean sits up and begins to worry. Meanwhile in the bathroom, tears are dripping from Cas's eyes. He has vertical and hortizontal lines going up both of his arms. He has lost so much blood. He falls on the ground, right as Dean walks in. Dean starts to cry and Cas blacks out. Dean is holding Cas for dear life. Sam wakes up to the noise and runs towards to the bathroom. He tries to keep Dean calm. He calls for anything that can help him, Angels, demons, anything. Anything as long as it an save his Cas. Dean locks himself in his room for days with Cas laying on his bed. Sam gets worried. Days go by without Dean ever coming out. Sam finally decides to knock on Dean's door. There is no answer so Sam decides to kick it down. Walking in, he fines a note, a knife, and Dean's dead body laying next to Cas. The note reads:

I couldn't take it anymore Sammy. Having to see his lifeless body everyday broke me. Please Sammy, go find a girl and have a family. Forget about your past, hunting, me. Just go live the rest of your life normally. Get a good job, a nice house. I'm really sorry Sammy. Cas was everything i ever wanted. Grace or not, he was my angel. So please, take my advice and go live a normal life. Sammy let me go.

Sam rereads the note over and over again, trying to see if he missed something, but he hadn't. Dean was gone.


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