part two: the meeting

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the dennys was cold. 'm-maybe i shouldn't have come here' she thought to herself, shivering and pulling her trash bag closer to herself. she stood neevously next to the door of the dennys for a moment until she was disturbd

she felt a poke in her leg and she saw a flash of red in her periferal vision. she looked down and saw the one and only amongus imposter, gently and caringly poking a knife into her rotting skin (she is very old haahah). " 'ello luv " he said in a deep british voice.
" you seem a tad bit upsetti luv, why dont u and i gegt some scrummy munchies together " the amohus imposter said in a chaeming and dreamyy vioce.

lizzy wizuy blushed a deep purple greenh colour (her blood is old and grotty) and lokked down.
"teehee maybe" she said while twirlng her hair in her fingerr . qquen of eggland and the amongis inposter approached the counter of the dennys and prdered a happy meal. the happy meal ha d sixteene chickem nughets, tow cokes (cocaine) and one birger.

they sat done at the table next to the play plave and bagan ti eat their haooy meal. " so, whats a darl like u doin in a joint like dis? " said the imposter.
"oh nothing teehew... just that, sinc the deaaeth of my hisband ive been feeling quite down" she sighed sadly and looked at the imposter sadly "i came here because adfled said id feel beetter".

amongsus impster was silent for a monent, before he said " y'know i lost my wife too luv " his besutifl voice sounded liek he had smoked a whole pack of cigs in an hour, lizzy noticed. she looked at him with wide massive euballs that glimmered like the scales of a smelly dead fish in the sunlight "really??? thats so sad :(( im sorry".

" eh, not ur fault luvvy, ive moved on anyway - lookin for a new wifey poo ." lizzy thought different, she probably did kill his wife, i mean, she would know for sure if she remeberd every single person she killed with her own two rotting hand but there were so many how could she remeber! (she was a virgo dont blame her its just her star sign!!) ((not really she just had dementia))

she thought that maybe this wa s a second chance? no! she cant think like that, this poor poor man lost his wife and her first thought was to replace her? 'no lizzy, dont be selfish' she told hersedf. she sighed sadly and then looked up suddenly when she heard amongus imposter cough. she blushed furiuously when she realised how long shed been staring.

"oh sorry!!!!!!! i zoned out teehee" (she was jist being quirky haha) amigus imposter laughed at this.
" haha you are so funy lizzo " he lauhged. " 'ere, have a gift luv " amogus imposter said, taking out the girl toy fromt he maccas happy meal and handing it to her, it was a pink minion with a wedding dress (AN: HMMM FORESHADOWING?????!1!1!!11!111!!!!! ;))) ). she took it and blushed a colour you'd expect to see on a particularly nasty bruise, "th-thank you uwu" she said.

" maybe we shoukd go out sometime again soom " the amogus inpostr winked.

"oh? ha yeah thatd be nice.." she agreed, tucking her hair benind her ears and looking doen, blushing.

they both got up and left the table, waving to each other pleasantly as they left the dennys and went home, both thinkin about each other alot.

walking on the moon forever (lizzy x amogus imposter)Where stories live. Discover now