Chapter 1: A story of loss

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September 16, 3876. Home
6:53 PM

It was loud.
As if fireworks were exploding right beside my ears.
The screams of those I knew
Those I loved

"Zephya! Thank the gods-" I spun around, standing from the crouched position I was in as I heard my name called by a familiar voice. My mother's voice. Not long after, I was swept up off my feet and into her arms. They felt warm but oddly wet, and she was breathing heavily. I rested my head against her shoulder, careful not to poke her with the bones protruding from my skull, a scaly tail swishing behind her. It was covered in red.

The next thing I knew I was being forcefully stuffed into a crate. It was covered in dirt and soot, and coated by the red liquid seeping from my mother. She stared down at me, only for a second before kissing my forehead.

"Stay." She demanded, my ears lowering at her stern yet shaky voice. "I love you..." She said it in almost a whisper, my keen ears barely able to hear her before she shut the lid. It was incredibly dark despite the sun shining brightly outside, the only thing keeping the inside of the crate being pitch black was a small crack in the wood on the side. I peaked outside, only for a second before light shone in from above me, a large shadow cast over my body, cramped into the fetal position.

"Another one here!"

A large man with short but pointy ears and cyan skin, dawning shiny, blood-stained armor, shouted into the crowd before gripping one of my horns, pulling me to my feet. I tripped out of the box and was practically dragged to a line of other horned people, forced onto my knees to mimic them. My mother wasn't there.

The man who dragged me walked over to someone wearing a long, black cape, riddled with holes and covered in dirt. The caped man looked at me, his eyes squinting before he turned back and started yelling at the other man before walking towards me. I watched as he neared, watching as the sun glinted off his silver plated armor and dulled on his ragged old cape. He grabbed my arm without saying anything, and began pulling me away, from the loud bangs and booms, the blood, the screams.

We kept walking until they were a mere whisper in the woods. The man lifted me up to allow someone else to grab me. I felt small, weak, alone. The scent of blood stayed ever so present in my nostrils, the sight of my mother saying she loved me stuck in my mind. The blood coating her arms, her back, her tail. The world started shaking, and I leaned forward, vomit spilling from my mouth.

"Oh dear.." A woman spoke, softly as she held me in her lap. I slowly looked up only to realize I was seated inside a small room with a cushioned seat in front of me, and windows attached to doors on either side. A carriage. I wriggled myself out of the strangers grasp, falling onto the seat in front of me, having slipped on my own vomit.

"Be careful child." The woman, despite speaking with a soft voice, had a sharp hiss to her tone. I sat up in the chair, finally seeing the woman. She was thin, auburn locks of hair loose, reaching just below her shoulders. She wore a fancy dress, deep shades of red and purple colored it, and the laced hem, now covered in puke, sat at her feet, which were hidden behind the dress. "It really is you.. isn't it." I didn't understand what she was talking about, my eyes suddenly focusing outside the windows. They seemed tinted.

"You've lived there all your life, you're sure to be overwhelmed once we finally arrive." She spoke as if she were talking to herself, her eyes glued to a device in her hand, the faint glow of it shining on her face. "Not much of a talker..? I suppose I can't be surprised, god knows what you were taught there." The woman spoke lowly of my home. I turned back to her, baring my teeth at her just in time for her to look up at me. My ears suddenly rung, my cheek stinging, the swift motion of her had knocking me off guard. "No." Was all she said, and I remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

September 17, 3876. Location unknown
12:14 AM

I must've fallen asleep, having woken up just as we arrived. It was now dark outside, the only light inside the carriage was the dim glow of her device. "Good, you're awake." She was staring straight at me, and I shot up, sitting with my feet up on the seat. "We've arrived, come with me now, child." She grabbed my hand gently, and walked me out of the... carriage? I turned to look at it, the lights of the large building in front of us illuminating it. A black, long vehicle with bright lights at the front of it.

Confused, I turned to look at the building. It was massive. Brick walls and white paint, sculpted angels and perfectly trimmed hedges. Full of windows and dark wooden doors at the entrance. A castle. We stood just inside of the gate, black and covered in small twists and curves detailing it. The gate seemed to automatically close, startling me as the sound of grating gears slammed it shut. The woman began walking, holding my hand tightly as if I were to run away the first chance I got. We stopped in front of a small group of women, 4 to be exact, in matching attire, brown dresses with white aprons, fixed with large pockets that seems to be full with objects and trinkets. Each lady had her hair in a tight bun, slicked back with oil.

All but one had short pointed ears, and pastel skin, colorful. The one without pointed ears had long, thin horns erecting from her forehead, the same color as her skin, which was a deep purple. Her eyes looked mesmerizing, detailed with pale black iris' and white, thin pupils. She spoke, "This is her, Madam Slei?" The woman who brought me here, Madam Slei, nodded, gently pushing me towards the multicolored, uniformed women. "She needs to be cleaned, couldn't contain her guts in the car. That and proper clothes, I presume her chambers are ready by now?" Madam Slei spoke with a stern voice and prowess behind it. The horned lady nodded, gently grabbing my by the shoulders. "Yes Madam Slei, we shall tend her needs now, if we may." She spoke with her head lowered and I could hear her breathe, now that she was close enough. It sounded labored.

"Dismissed then."

The ladies lead me through the long, gilded halls of the castle, my bare feet leaving a dirt trail on the red rugs lining the floor.

I'm scared.

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