Chapter One | Into The Light

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Kris was having a weird dream. Someone was speaking and the world was foggy and multicolored. The world melted in front of them, and Kris melted with it. A heart floated through the aether, before hovering around them. They reached out to grab it, but every time it slipped out of reach. It flew into the distance.

"You're not the one..." a whispering voice emerged from the aether and dissipated just as quickly. Suddenly, a new voice came out of the fog. Someone who sounded oddly familiar...

"Kris! Wake up!" Kris's mother Toriel shouted, shaking their arm. Kris put up the barest amount of resistance but predictably, it led to yet more shaking.

"If you don't get up soon, we'll be late for school. Come on!" Toriel said, before opening the blinds. Rays of orange moonlight flooded the room. Kris mumbled loudly, before pushing their blankets to the side.

"I'll wait for you downstairs." Toriel said, but right as she left the room, she poked her head through the doorframe. She had a stern look on her goat face. Her teal sweater was illuminated by the moonlight.

"Don't be late." She narrowed her eyes at Kris, and left. Kris didn't respond. They rolled out of bed and got dressed. A purple and cobalt striped sweater and a pair of teal pants. They scrutinized themself in the mirror for a second before grabbing a comb. They corrected their snarled blue hair and joined their mother downstairs. She was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

"Ready to go?" She asked, reaching for her keys. Kris nodded. The two got into their little blue car, and drove to the other side of town. Kris leaned their head against the window of the car. They felt the vibration of the car travel into their head.  The bright blue leaves of the teal-barked trees whisked together to become a blur. The rhythm almost made them want to fall asleep, but then the car abruptly stopped in the school's parking lot. Kris and Toriel stepped out.

"I'm going to be out tonight. Are you fine with walking home?" Toriel asked, locking the car's doors.

"Yup." Kris responded, already standing in front of the main door to the school.

"Alright. Love you." Toriel said, opening the door.

"Love you too, Mom." Kris and Toriel separated in the hallway. I should have eaten something. Kris thought, feeling their stomach grumble. The hallways were barren, and orange moonlight shined through the tall windows of the school. They heard muffled chatter inside Ms. Alphys' classroom, their homeroom. Kris had always thought it was odd that there were only four teachers in the whole town who all taught the same subjects. Setting that thought aside, they walked in to see that everyone had organized into their friend groups. Noelle was the only one sitting alone, in the corner of the room on her own. She was wearing her sister's grey coat, all beat up and torn. Lancer sat at his table, moody as ever while Susie tried to spark a conversation with him. Upon noticing Kris looking at her, Noelle glared and turned her head away. Kris made a mental note not to do that. I do want to be able to walk home today, after all, they thought. Kris sat down at their table, right between Lancer and Susie. Lancer turned to the side, and kept his head low as always. His dark blue hoodie cast a shadow over his round face. Susie shined her usual bright smile at Kris. Her hair was purple, straight and orderly. She was wearing a floral-patterned shirt and white shorts. That, combined with her golden eyes made her the shiniest thing in the classroom.

"Hi Kris!" Susie said enthusiastically. They responded with only a shy little wave. But Susie was determined to start a conversation.

"How's it going?" Susie asked, moving aggressively into Kris' field of view. She was perhaps a bit too close for comfort.

"It's g-going fine..." Kris felt their face get hot. Susie was about to say something, but the school bell rang. Susie sat back down with a huff, and Ms. Alphys entered the room. She cleared her throat, and stood in front of the whiteboard. She was wearing a white lab coat and black shoes. She adjusted her glasses.

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