Chapter 4

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Washington, DC. August 3rd, 2015. 2000 Hours (DC Time).


Whap. Whap whap. Whap whapwhapwhap whap whap.


"Somebody wants in."

I groaned, "It is a Monday night. I am not in the mood for this."

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Go answer the door."

"But I'm on vacation-"


I sighed and obeyed, standing as the light from the television danced across my skin, the noise of Seinfeld reruns blocked out by the continuous whapping. I yanked open the door to our hotel room and slumped at the sight before me.

He hadn't changed much. The little hair he still had had grown an inch or so, and if anything his eyes looked more crazy, which is extremely worrying. Otherwise, he looked the same. Same old face, same old outfit, and sadly, same old pink pig.

I groaned, "Marvin?"

"I need you, Kemosabe. They're coming. I can feel it."

"Do you ever not feel it?"

"Hey look, it's Marvin." Sarah gasped, "He has a pig! Where we goin'?"

"We're not goin' anywhere."


"No!" I yelled, "Marvin, no."

"They're coming, Frank."

"They're always coming with you."

"But when have I been wrong, eh?"

Apparently my lack of answer was an invitation to come into my hotel room. As he walked in and I turned back to close the door, another figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Not you too."

Victoria shrugged, "He dragged me into it. I figured I should probably stick around to see what happens." She stepped in and smiled at Sarah, "Hello, sweetie!"

As Sarah and Victoria hugged it out and related over girl things that I had no chance of understanding, I turned to Marvin, "I'm on vacation."

"Frank, you're retired. Every day's a vacation."

"I don't get to spend a week in DC with my girlfriend every day."

"Well yeah. Then it would be every day instead of a week."

I clenched my fists and forced a frustrated smile, "You better have a good reason for this."

"Oh he does." Victoria said. She nodded to Marvin, "Show him."

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"What the hell is this?"

Marvin made a face, one that screamed insane psycho, "It's called a computer, Frank. A lot of people use them nowadays."

"I got that." I said, gesturing towards the immeasurable number of tangled wires that connected the ancient monster to the wall plug, "I meant why is there two million cords connecting the damn thing to the outlet?"

"You don't protect it, you deserve to be hacked." He mumbled, "First they get your files, then your location, then poof! They're at your front door with the wires and the satellites ready to fry your brains out. Not to mention the dentist."

I looked at the girls, "You're hearing this too, right?"

Sarah shrugged, "Given what I've seen, that's extremely stable for him."

Marvin smirked, "Yeah, Frank. Extremely stable."

I turned to Victoria, "Help."

Victoria shrugged as Marvin started speaking again, "I have a contact in Moldova who sent this over around five or so hours ago. I got on the first plane I could find."

Victoria rolled her eyes, "Don't forget hijacking me from the opera house."

Marvin snorted, "Never forgetting that one."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "How did the guy in Moldova get it?"

"Better question would be how didn't he get it."

She frowned, "Huh?"

I sighed, "I don't even see the point in trying anymore."

"Here we go!" Marvin yelled, gesturing wildly at the screen, "See why we have a problem?!"

I squinted at the screen, trying to make out what the squiggly black lines said before just giving up, "Do you actually know anyone who can read that?"

Victoria rolled her eyes, "It's an MI6 Incident Report from 2013."

I pursed my lips in an effort not to scream my head off, "And that has to do with me because..."

"Nightshade." Victoria said, "It's all about Nightshade."

"Again?" Sarah sighed.

"Can't they just do something original for once?" I complained.

"It's the government. They're the least original people in the world." Marvin commented.

Sarah shrugged, "So what did it say you guys did this time?"

"All of us." Victoria corrected.

"Wait, I'm included now?"

"Barely, but yeah." Marvin said, "They know you and Frank are together, so you're included in the report."


"No, not awesome." I countered, "Definitely not awesome."

"What did it say we did?" Sarah asked with a new sense of terrifying enthusiasm.

"Apparently," Marvin answered, "We're to blame for the plane explosion."

I frowned, "But we are to blame for the plane explosion..."

"Well yeah, but we should be getting a medal for that."

"Again, losing track of your point."

"The report claims that we were the ones trying to destroy the majority of London." Victoria explained, "And apparently an anonymous MI5 Operative gave his life getting the bomb on the plane and away from London."

"So Bailey's an MI5 Operative now." Sarah commented, "That's totally accurate government. Well done."

"That's not even the worst part." Marvin added.

"There's something worse?!" I groaned.

"The report also had information on how to find us. Every single one of us." Victoria said, "And it was sent to MI6 Research."

"Meaning?" Sarah questioned.

I sighed, "Meaning they're probably briefing a team of assassins as we speak."

Author's Note


I apologize for the long wait. Science fair plus lacrosse plus other life issues made it difficult to find time to write, but now I'm back!

Thanks for being so patient for the past two months. Things are still a little crazy, but I'm going to try to keep updates going on a regular basis.

So vote, comment and fan! Share with your friends too. I love getting new readers!

Love you guys!!

XOXO ~ Maddie

MED: Minor Extremely Dangerous (The Stone Chronicles: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now