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It's been 4 days now that I reincarned and I still don't understand what's happening to me. I mean... is it supposed to happen when you die? Or is it a special case? Maybe reincarnation is what happen after death but usually you don't have your memory of you're past life? But... shouldn't I have reincarned as a baby?
Oh shit... I really have to stop! Even if I return these questions ten thousand of time in my head I still won't have my answers! Just deal with it! Having existential crisis won't help me...

Well anyway... I started exercise for 4 days now and I'm able to walk at least  10 km and run. I didn't knew it would be so fast to recover... but it's not like I knew how long it was supposed to take.

In these 4 days Abele taught me about the history of this world.
It was clear: this wasn't the same world as my past life. I already knew it by the old stuff in the mansion, the clothes and how the people acted but I actually thought that I was just in the past not in a whole new world!
Actually the thing I loved the most was that magic exist! I thought that this world was a world of magic and sword but no...
In fact magic was a way to represent talent. When you use your talent you could unlock your power. Ex: when you sing an atmosphere will envelop the room and if that's your power, you could let them see a scene as if they were watching a movie.
Other ex: when you dance people around you are drained on their energy to give it to the dancer

It's so cool! But... when I will play piano, or paint or answer in school will I unlock this power? The original Harrion didn't have talent and for me... can we call it talent?


While standing here like a statue. I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I had white/silver hair and for the color of my pupil they were completely black. My eyes have a mysterious charm in them. It's all black but I have the impression that there a lot more color behind this black. As If there was the galaxy in them but I couldn't see it because a big black canvas was covering it.

Well anyway. I'll stop creating a poem describing my eyes

I have to wear the uniform for the academy
It's a shirt with a black bow instead of a tie. There is a little black corset with golden buttons. And just a classy black pant for the bottom.
It's classy and pretty I like it

"Sir Cami! Please come eat you will leave soon!" Abele called me
I head in the room where I eat and when I enter the room I see my father and my 7 sibling watching me intensely.
I started to sweat and made an awkward smile to them.

They turn back their head to their meal and continue to ignore me.

Usually I just eat in my room but because today I have to go to school I have to eat in the same room as them.

I sit the farthest from all of them and started eating.
I feel the staring on me so I just try eating to most rapidly possible and don't ever raise my head up.
It's time to leave and Abele will follow me to school to explain my circumstances to the director.
I will have to follow a person assigned to me to not loose myself in the large building

Here we go... I enter the coach and it starts moving

We are finally at school and my back hurt like hell!
I get off and feel all the stares of the student around, on me
I'm so embarrassed and I'm so uncomfortable. I lowered my head and started moving toward the entrance

The building is splendid. The passage to go in the building is large and have multiple gigantic tree. The little blue and violet petal are flowing in the air making it an unforgettable spectacle. And the building is a masterpieces

Without even knowing I was already at the entrance.

I was in front of the director while Abele was explaining why I missed so much days of classes and that I loosed my memory.

"Now I understand you motive. I will assign someone to you as if you were a new student. And we will hope you gain a talent " the director laught at his own comment.
He cleared his throat and call his secretary to call someone here

In not even 5 min a tall and handsome boy enter the room staring at me with disdain
"What can I do for you Director" he asked ignoring me
"Harrion, the boy you see is the one who will be with you for the next days until you're able to not loose yourself in the school
Now go back to you class and stop bothering me"
"But- with all the respect I have to you Mister, I just can't stand this piece of sh*t and I know he will cause me problems!!" Hello!!? I'm here you know!!
"Yea I know it will be hard for you but please I don't know anyone else who wouldn't punch him in the face and really help him.
I'm sorry but please you have to do it" hHI!!?? I'm here you know!!?? I hear you you know!!

"Please refrain yourself of talking bad about me when I'm here. I won't cause you problems" I said, annoyed of their little talk

"Yea yea, just follow me now because I won't stop for you." The boy said

I followed the boy while saying good bye to Abele

It's really awkward... nor me nor him talk it's just me who follow him like a dog.
So I tried starting the conversation

"So... what is your name?" He looked at me with disdain
"You're so narcissistic that you don't even bother yourself to remember my name..?"
"Well...I'm sorry but it's hard to remember the name of someone when I didn't even remembered my name when I first woke up" I replied angrily
"What- how could you not even remember your name?"
"I don't know if you know it but, when you loose your memory it mean that you don't remember anything!" I said sarcastically
"No,no I know it I'm not dumb but did you really loose your memory isn't it just a way to gain the attention of other" I snapped
"Why is everyone thinking that I did it for attention! I wouldn't have did it on purpose, it would mean position myself on a dangerous position for other to take advantage of me! Why would I do this? It's fricking stupid!" He stared at me with surprise
"Whoa! So you really loose your memory but in addition you gain intelligence! Congratulation!" I sigh in defeat
"Well... anyway you didn't even told me your name"
"Oh yes... my name's Killian I'm actually the secretary of the student council."
"My talent is sculpture and cooking and yours is to creat problems your're even a genius for it" ah...
"Yea... I heard it"
"Haha- at least you're aware of it"
"Anyway... what's the first class?" I had to know!
"Well we have the same class so it's business little spoiler: you're the worst at it" I looked at him with an annoyed face
"Pfft- your face..." he was just mocking me at this point
"Ok I understand it! I'm bad at all things I do. Especially business" I let out a despair sigh
"Ha- you should have loose your memory a long time ago. Habitually I have an uncontrollable envy to punched you in the face and I hate you but right now you're so much funnier to talk to" that's-
"Is it supposed to be a compliment because right now it's me who want to punch you in the face" he really annoyed me

Without even realizing it I was really much more comfortable. In my past life I wouldn't even started talking and I wouldn't have be so direct. I was feeling like we were friend for a long time. I felt like I was much more close to Killian and Abele that I ever been with my own family in my past life...it felt great

We were finally at the class and I started to panicked. What was I gonna do if people start bullying me to take revenge? Or if I worsen my reputation?
Felling that I was stiff. Killian put his hand on one my shoulder
"Don't worry everybody know that you're already bad at it you can't do worse than you already was." This f*cker...

And we entered

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