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It was now the third class. It was math... easy!
In the last days I tried letting stupid errors and slowly I was redressing my grade... it was abnormal for me to have suddenly more good notes but it was better than just suddenly have perfects scores on all my practices...

I would even say that it was hard to make faults...

The class was coming to an end when I saw the teacher approaching me...
"Harrion...I have to talk to you about something" his tone really stressed me...
"Y-Yes?" I replied nervously
"Since you returned in school I noticed that your grades are really improving. I don't know what you did to have such good results in such a short time but I just want you to know that I'm proud as your teacher. To notice such a great change with my most problematic student. I really hope you will continue to put such effort in school like this and you're on the good way, don't stop" he then left

I put my head on my arms to hide my face.
I had little drop of tears rolling on my cheeks.
It felt so great! Having my efforts noticed and congratulated was a thing I always wanted. Even in my past life, my family never told me to be proud of myself, it was always 'you can do best' 'at your age I was able to do this to' 'it's just normal to have good grades like that, don't be proud of it' and all things of that.
Even my teachers were only 'you always have the best grades, it doesn't surprise me anymore' or 'we all have our hopes on you', 'we know that you will accomplish something great in the future'
I just always thought that I was being dramatic for not liking these compliment but...
I just wanted a simple 'congratulations!' And having my efforts rewards and noticed
People always thought that it was pure talent... but the number of efforts I was putting in there where definitely not just 'talent'...
It's as if, when someone was telling me this, all the efforts I furnished were being throw away like nothing...

But then, it's in this life, I receive my first true compliments I always wanted to heard... maybe it's not the first time we tell me something like that but it's been a long time since it didn't feel so... sincere...

I think people were thinking I was sleeping because no one disturbed me...
But I think that the teacher knew that I wasn't sleeping. He would have wake me up otherwise...

After some min, the bell ringed and it was time for me to head up and go eat my lunch...
When I was about to head up, I jumped in surprise because of the boy fixing me with a bored expression just in front of me.
It got so surprised I got a hiccup. I had red eyes and still had some little tear on the corner of my eyes. My cheeks were red too and they were a little bit humide because of the tears.
It was the strange boy I was eating with each lunchtime...

"Oh- what are you doing? " I completely forgot the fact I cried was still very visible...
"I just wanted to see you earlier, last time you told me that it was here your third class so I went here" I couldn't understand what he was thinking...

He approached his hand from my face and wiped a tear. It remembered me that he was seeing my 'after crying face' and it got me extremely embarrassed. I pushed his hand and blushed really hard...
"Are you ok?" He asked me with a worried tone
"Yea,yea... can we just go to eat?" I tried changing the conversation
"We could but just after you tell me what happened for you to do this expression." He was really stubborn
"You're really stubborn, you know.." I got a bit annoyed. I was still hiding my blushing face from him
"Yep, numberless person already told me. Now I want to know!" Ahh- It was going to be embarrassing but I wouldn't be able to eat if I didn't tell him...
"It's tears of joy! Ok! I'm just happy I got compliments and my efforts noticed" at the same time I was telling him that, I raised my blushing face toward him with a stubborn expression to end this embarrassment the fastest possible!

He got really surprised to see me like that. He was stunned...
I just stand up and took my things. I went to the door to leave the class.
I swiped my tears and smiled "Well!? You're coming or not?"

He smiled,
"Yes yes I'm coming! I'm not loosing to you today! I will be the first one to find the place where we will eat!"
"I'm not really sure of it if you continue to be this slow!" And we left the class
We were walking beside each other when he put his hand on my head
"I'm just happy you cried because of happiness" I got embarrassed because of his comment
"Even if it would have been for an other reason, it wouldn't have matter"


We were eating at our usual place.
I opened my lunch Abele made me and immediately started to salivate. It was always delicious!!
Seeing my face the boy approached my lunch
"Oh~ you know I really like you~ so... I'm sure you would be honored to share your lunch with me..." he tried stealing my lunch but I avoided his hand just in time.
"Nope! I'm not letting you eat the lunch Abele made for ME!"
"Tch- you're so mean... I want to cry!! I want to eat the meal Goddess Abele made for you!!" I laughed at him
"Ah- you will never have the Goddess Abele to make lunch for you!"

Since he had tasted the meal Abele made me last Wednesday, he was always trying to steal my lunch to eat it... but I was not falling for his trick!
It was MY lunch! And Abele was MY goddess of food...

"You really want me to cry like you did earlier..." wha-
"Hey!! I told you not to talk about it anymore!!"
Seeing that his diversion worked, he took a part of my lunch and climb in one of the tree to eat without me being able to take it back...

I cursed on him before eating the rest of my lunch, annoyed.
I heard his giggles what made me annoyed way more than I already was...

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