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"This is it, I'm gonna end it all." Cami told him
"What?? No-nooo!! Don't do that, we still have lot of things to do!" Tyle respond back

Cami brought his hand to the object and...

"YEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!! I finally won against you Tyle!!!" Cami shout in joy before the stack of card
"Nooo!! I was so close to win 20 round in a row!! Why!"

Cami and Tyle were playing a card game in Tyle's room. Before they were only together because of the cooking class.
Spoiler alert, Cami almost get better at it.
But the more they were together, the more they got closer and now Tyle was teaching things to Cami like playing cards games...

Like a teacher...

And since this morning, they were playing a game card. Since this morning the score is at 32:2, the 2 is Cami...

At least he got better! Well being the bad winner and bad loser he is, it was his only consolidation...

Well even as a fast learner and a genius at piano, he was still not the best at all he tried...
Anyway he just scored his second point and now he was going to stop playing for the day...

Today, because it was Sunday, they were supposed to go outside like usually but...
Right now was the rain season.. so it was raining right now and it wouldn't stop..

'I hope it won't continue...' thought Cami while looking at the outside thought the window.

"Well thank you for playing with me Cami but I have to go see father to practice." Tale stood up and started to organized the cards
"Ok, thank you for teaching me how to play card." Cami stoop up too and helped Tale organizing the cards

Tale and Cami left the room and Cami went to his own room.

'Ahh- it's really annoying having nothing to do when you don't have any internet...'
'I almost already read all my books and I don't want to do anything...' Cami didn't have anything to do than looking at the drops running on the other side of the window

Abele was probably still doing her housework. Tale just left to practice. He didn't have anything to kill the time.

Cami slowly pull up his long sleeve to see his wrist.
There were still red marks of his nails and all around it was red and kinda bluish due to the bursted vein. It was still throbbing but not as much as yesterday. At least, Tale and Abele didn't notice it cause it would be complicated to explain without them worrying about it...

Cami passed a hand through this hair... they were dirty. He should go wash his hair... he didn't really wanted to move but he had to, cause he didn't have anything other to do anyway...


'Ah shit!' It rains again... hope it won't continue to rain even at lunchtime...

And like that his first, second and third classes passed in a blink of an eye.
'Maybe it stopped raining?' Cami didn't want to go into the rain...


He finally decided to go outside even if it was raining like hell. He didn't have any umbrella and was already drenched
But he still went to his habitual spot

He waited 1min, 5 min,10 min,15 min...
Riley was still not here but Cami was still here, in the rain to wait for him
He waited to be sure Riley wouldn't just be late.

There was a boy in the branch's tree. He had a sad face while looking at an other boy waiting for another person.
What was he still doing in this rain? Did he really thought it would be a good idea to wait here in the rain?

'Should I go down and decide to eat with him in the rain??... no... I can't enter the school... so I should just wait here and when he will understand that I will never come, he will return inside. But... why is he still here? Why are you doing this to me ,Cami? Please leave! I don't want you to catch a cold! Don't suffer in the cold rain like that because of me,please... I can't come with you inside and I don't want you to stay here longer.'

And yes... it was Riley, having a dilemma over if he should wait there for Cami to leave and go inside the school or to go meet him now so he could go warm him...

He would prefere to look like a villain for not coming than a hero but obligate Cami to stay in the rain..

He bit his lower lip, hoping for Cami to stop being so dumb.
'Hello! It's been 25min now!! I won't be here please leave!! Please don't do that to me...' it was the worst endurance exercise he had ever done.

Finally... when he decide to come down to warm up Cami, Cami decided to leave. Probably to have time to dry off and go to his next class.

Riley sighed and smiled in relaxation.
When he saw Cami looking down as he walk away his heart squeezed to a point where it was really hurting and then he saw the skin from his back through Cami's white shirt and he immediately blushed while having his heart's beat speeding up like crazy.

What was happening ?It wasn't the first time it was happening but why was it so much more intense than usual? Did he liked it? Or did he hated it? Well anyway, just the sight of Cami was warming his whole existence.

What was it anyway?
This warm feeling when Cami was around
This pain when Cami was in pain
Even with all those years of training, he never got so hurt as when he saw Cami making that sad face while trying to look normal...

He always just wanted to hold Cami in his arms and squeeze him so he can never leave from him. Hug him until his tears become laugh. Kiss his forehead so that his pain fly away from his body.


'What am I thinking!!' Blushing like a mad man. Riley hid his face with his hands while the rain continued to fall on him.

...while at the side of Cami...

'Ahh-!! How am I going to dry myself so that I won't look like a kid!?? And my shirt is now see through!! I'm kinda happy Riley wasn't here so he didn't see me in that state...'

Author! So happy that all of you are reading my story even when my updates are so late....
Well anyway! I have a little question: should I do a QnA? (Question and Answer) if yes let me know the questions please!
Love you all!

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