Chapter 2

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Kukui looked at Ash as though he had grown a second head or third eye. Did he hear the young champion right?

"You want to make Alola the hardest league? How do you plan to do that when we have no gyms, no Elite Four and just had our first League?" Kukui asked skepticly.

"Well, we build Gyms and find some of the best Gym Leaders we can and train them." Ash said matter of factly. "I have 65 Pokémon who love to train. They can train the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four members."

Kukui was stunned by this information. He had actually forgotten how Ash's Pokémon trained and loved to battle. What he didn't know was that Ash already had ideas for the Gym leaders and Elite Four members.

"I was thinking of having Gladion, Hau, Acerola and Guzma as my Elite Four. Then have some of the Gym leaders be Mallow, Kiawei, Sophocles, Lana, Lillie, Plumeria from Team Skull, Faba...and I have one more in mind but I'm not sure he would do it." Ash continued.

Kukui was now in total shock. He had never expected Ash to have thought this long and hard on who he would approach to be Gym Leaders let along on having specialized Gyms. His interest was definitely peaked on the eighth possible leader.

"And who are you thinking for the last gym?" He asked. "You know you can't keep me in the dark like this now that you have divulged the first sever names you have in mind."

Ash grinned in his typical way, making Pikachu roll his eyes at his trainer. "The eighth person I have in mind" He said simply.

Professor Kukui's jaw dropped. Never in his life did he think of ever becoming a Gym leader. He was the Alola Regional Professor after all. Would he be able to perform both duties to the fullest? Would he even be a good Gym leader?

"Ash...I...I don't know..." Kukui was at a loss for words. "I don't know if I would be a good option for a Gym Leader. I mean I'm the Regional Professor after all! Would it be wise for me to do both things? Would I even be a good choice?!"

Ash and Pikachu looked at each other before bursting into laughter and falling off the log. They rolled on the sand for a few minutes, holding their sides as they continued to laugh before regaining control over themselves.

" can you doubt benign a good Gym Leader?!" Ash asked as he continued to snicker. "You are the Masked Royal! Your win record in the battle ring is impressive and people respect you. Your battle style is strong and powerful but also full of lessons and advice. That is what a Gym Leader should be."

Professor Kukui was shocked to hear how highly Ash spoke of him. He knew Ash respected his battling style but he didn't think Ash respected his this much.

Before he responded, he looked out over the waves that were rolling in. He seemed to be having some sort of internal debate as to weather he should accept the idea from the Champion or reject it in favour of just having one occupation. Being a Gym Leader as a big deal, especially to be one of the first eight ever in a region.

After a some time of quiet contemplation, Kukui looked back to Ash and nodded. "I'll do it! If we get the permission to do it, you have me as a Gym Leader!" He said with a smile.

Ash grinned widely as he held out his hand to his father like figure. "I knew you would agree to it." He said still grinning. "You know what it takes and know that you have always wanted to be a Gym Leader."

This make Kukui laugh as he knew he had just been told exactly what he had kept hidden from almost everyone.

"So Champ, what's the next step then?" He asked Ash with a serious tone. "You have your list of Elites and Gym Leaders, but what's the next step?"

Ash stood up and walked towards the waters edge with Kukui following him. Pikachu was playing in the surf, running from the water as it came in and chasing it as it washed out with the ebb and flow of each wave.

"Next, we contact those on the list and have them meet up. I want to address them all at the same time. The Elites will be a personal visit from me though." Ash stated. "I will ask them first and have them already on the team before I ask the others. To have the Elite Fours support will hopefully strengthen my position with the possible Gym Leaders."

Ash turned back to Kukui, his eyes hard and determined. "Those fucks will live to regret stabbing me in the back. Somehow I will make sure they suffer. We will get our Gyms to train others and then we will have a tournament where it's invite only. Champions, Elite Four and select Gym Leaders from the other regions will be invited. I will make those assholes pay. The whole world will turn their back on them and cast them out." Ash said with venom in his voice.

"That doesn't mean that Alola will not be my main focus. I want us to be able to protect our region and it's people without help from any other region. We will have the best trainers. We will have the best of everything."

Ash turned back to the ocean, a single tear streaking down his right cheek. The pain was still there, there was no hiding it and he knew if he did try it would make him into a harder person, with only darkness in his heart and soul. He didn't want to be a heartless asshole, not like them. He was determined to be who he has always been.

He turned back to Kukui, wiped the tear away, and smiled his signature "everything will be fine" smile.

"Come on Dad, let's get home before mom worries to much and sends my team out to look for us." He chuckled. "We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow so we should get to sleep early."

Kukui put his arm around Ash's shoulders and they started walking back towards the White House just up the beach, a smile on both their faces.

"Your right son, we don't want to have your Pokémon rampaging through the jungle and towns looking for you. Besides, your mother worries enough as it is the last few days." Kukui said as Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder and settled in for the small ride back to the house.

As they neared the house, the door flew open and Lycanroc came bounding out with Professor Burnet hot on his heels. She stopped at the edge of the porch with a look of concern on her face.

"Where were you both? I was starting to worry about you!" She asked as they neared the porch.

Pikachu jumped down from Kukui's shoulder and ran around with Lycanroc before scampering into the house again.

Kukui gave Burnet a hug and kissed her softly. "We we're having a needed talk on the beach."

Burnet smiled softly as she pulled Ash into a hug. Her heart had broken when she had been told what had happened and it still was broken for him. He had done so much and didn't deserve to suffer the way he has.

"Are you going to be ok Ash?" She asked softly, trying to prevent tears from forming in her eyes.

"Yeah, I will be fine mom." He replied just as quietly.

Burnets eyes opened wide in surprise at him calling her mom. She knew he viewed them as his new family, but never did she think he would call her mom.

The tears were impossible to stop now. They flowed freely and with no shame. Burnet hugged Ash tighter, trying to convey all the love she had for him into that hug.

"You just made me the happiest mother in all of Alola Ash." She sniffled. "Thank you...thank you so much."

Ash hugged her back just as hard with his own tears running down his cheeks. "You have been more a mother to me in the last year than she ever was. Thank you so much mom."

Kukui joined the hug, making it their first family hug and it was full of emotion and love, promise and hope for the future.

After a few moments they all had to wipe tears from their eyes before saying goodnight and heading to bed. Ash scaled the ladder to his loft and flopped down onto his bed, Pikachu and Lycanroc were already curled up at the foot of the bed and sleeping soundly.

As his eyes closed, he vowed to be the best there ever was and to have his revenge on those who thought he was weak.

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