06. The Amazing Aira

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If Draco had come to know something in all the years he was friends with Aira, it was that she was amazingly efficient once she put her mind on something. Her determination surpassed any obstacles she would face in her quest to achieve her goal, and if an obstacle was the reason she didn't do something, then she simply hadn't been determined enough. Even with that knowledge, though, Draco hadn't thought she would be finding him in his office just a few days after they last talked. 

He hadn't even noticed her, at first. He didn't get any visitors in his office and anyone waiting for him, namely Blaise or Theo, would wait in the hall by the lift instead of coming all the way to his office. He was almost finished for the day when Aira came by, looking right at home in the office, paying no heed to the few people glancing her way as she passed and without asking, sat down on the edge of the desk in front of Draco. He jumped.

"I didn't think you were this jumpy," she huffed, not bothering to hide the amused edge of her tone as she looked down at him, shifted to cross one leg over the other. Draco looked at her with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came for the delightful company you provide, of course," she replied without missing a beat, "also because I have some progress on your request."

His surprise was evident for a moment before he reminded himself people were watching and forced himself to relax and lean back in his seat in a picture of comfort Aira didn't buy for a second. If he realised what her raised brow meant, though, he didn't show it.

"Already? You've put the request through?"

"I have."

"Was it accepted?"

"Not yet," she shook her head, "I'll tell you more on our way to the house I found. I imagine you wouldn't like the whole floor knowing about this."

"Yes," he agreed, ducked his head low as he continued with his work. "I'd really rather not."

"That's what I thought. Wrap things up so we can get out of here."

He didn't protest. He tried his best to finish his work as soon as possible, and a while later he was standing up and with Aira by his side he was walking to the corridor leading to the wide hall in front of the lift. They passed through the door. Draco's gaze instantly fell on Theo and Blaise.

"Oh, we have company," Blaise grinned at once, his eyes trained on Aira as they came closer. "This is a surprise."

"Is it?" she mused, the corner of her lips raised in a small smirk as the company of four made its way to the lift. "I have to show your friend here his potential new apartment."

"Good luck," Theo laughed, "I've showed him so many apartments already. He's turned down each and every one of them."

"Well, we'll see," she shrugged, "I'm pretty sure he's going to accept this one."

They got in the lift, their conversation coming to a close as there was one more person in the lift with them. The ride continued in silence until they finally reached the Atrium, and from there they went their own ways. Draco didn't protest when Aira grabbed his arm and they apparated on the spot. They landed in an abandoned lane—he was starting to realise there were plenty of those around London—and she let go of his arm at once. He followed her to the street, and it was then that he realised as he took in his surroundings that he was really close to the bar he had come to frequent in the last weeks.

"So, I looked around the last few days. I found a couple of houses belonging to elderly people without families that would care for the house or come and see it so you can do whatever you want with it. I was against most of those houses but at least this way I could select a few and make my job easier. The house I'm taking you to now seemed like the best option to me. I asked the old owner to see it today. He'll be meeting us there. I should let you know I probably won't manage to make this thing exactly like the Black household but it will be close. It will certainly serve its purpose too."

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